3 Days To Cash Workbook
Module 1
Section 1 – Build your Cash Machine
You’re going to hear me talk a lot about something called a CASH MACHINE and at this point, you may not know what it is, but you can trust me when I tell you, it’s
the answer to your financial goals.
A Cash Machine is exactly what it sounds like, a plan you put into action that literally generates money for you. In a general sense, a Cash Machine is anything that generates income, from the largest corporations to the smallest roadside fruit stand. There are big and small Cash Machines in every corner of the globe, but not all of them create the financial freedom you are looking for.
The drive to have a comfortable lifestyle, free of debt and stress is the dream of just about everyone I have ever met. We all want to know that the bills are paid and there is enough money in the bank to cover the cost of anything I may want
to buy – but too few people ever really know what that feels like. Most people are stuck making money for other people – trapped in a thankless job that keeps them struggling month to month and never really getting ahead.
And why are they struggling? It’s because they are stuck in someone else’s cash machine. They are fueling the financial dreams of some other person. Sometimes it’s a business owner they know, but often times it’s a faceless board of directors, or a group of investors and stock holders. They are using their time,
talent, and skills making other people rich.
At some point in your life, you may have been trapped in this cycle – you may even be trapped there now. Perhaps you’re the type of person who realized they were trapped and got out only to realize they don’t know what to do now, and the bills are stacking up. It’s okay, there is a simple formula to create a successful Cash Machine that you can depend on for years to come – a Cash Machine that will support your lifestyle today and ensure a comfortable retirement in the future.
Anyone who has ever made money in this world did it through a Cash Machine and now it’s your turn. And there is a special name for people who realize their potential and build a Cash Machine for themselves, they are called…
*Entrepreneurs Lead the Way
Build your Cash Machine
Entrepreneurialism is the best way to build wealth! If you want to be more successful, then you need to develop your entrepreneurial skills and leverage the unique skills and abilities you have for your own financial gain.
Successful entrepreneurs know how to leverage their vision and how to use other people’s time and money to build their Cash Machine. If you are working a job and making somebody else rich you are you trading time for dollars. Now is the time to learn how to leverage your time to build wealth for yourself and the people you care for.
Too many people realize they need to do something different in their life and start thinking about getting out of the rat race, but that’s all they ever do, think. They spend all their time getting ready to get ready to make a change but never actually do it. It’s time they get over it. And get started already!
Imagine being able to have more cash in your pocket and in the bank. Imagine being able to take luxurious vacations and then take a tax deduction for having gone on vacation. Imagine being debt free and living comfortably anywhere in the world. You can do this! It’s totally possible, and you can start today.
The economy can change at any moment. One minute the stock market is riding high, the next it’s in the basement and people are out of a retirement. Real estate prices are down one day and up the next; and banks are just a fickle, not lending one day and then opening the vault the next. Companies go through huge hiring frenzies only to turn around and start laying people off.
What’s a person to do? Well, you can start with taking charge of your life and stop blaming others. I know it’s easy to do, but in the end, the amount of money that’s in your bank account is up to you – and no one else. As long as you are dependent on working for someone else, you are limited in what you can accomplish because you’re at the whim of someone else – you can be fired at any time.
Wouldn’t you rather be your own boss, calling the shots? Wouldn’t you rather be the master of your own destiny and decide when you’re going on vacation, or fishing, or to the spa? If that makes you feel intimidated and scared, that’s okay. Fear just means you don’t know how to do it just yet. Stay with me and follow this program – before you know it you’ll turn your fear into courage and be cashing checks in no time.
Personal financial success takes a spirit of independence and freedom. It’s the kind of courage that discovered the Americas, drove the industrial revolution, and shapes empires. Christopher Columbus didn’t come across to America just so people could get jobs and 401(k)s – his sense of adventure, risk, and vision carried him on a journey that changed history and set the stage for you to claim financial independence. That’s the spirit of an entrepreneur – and it’s inside each one of us.
Entrepreneurs are risk takers and visionaries. They break through barriers, seize
opportunities, and inspire others to reach for something better in life.
It’s time to step up and be a leader in your life. You can follow in the footsteps of other entrepreneurs who came before you and lead the way for others to follow behind you. You can make a lot of money in the process – finally making a living doing something you love, using the skills you already have.
I’m going to take you step by step through the process of building your Cash Machine.
Make money to GROW vs. make money to pay off debt.
Most people are stuck trying to pay off debts and cutting expenses. This is the wrong approach. If you want to get ahead and climb out of debt, you need to focus on getting more money – money that will ease the stress, repay the creditors, and put you on a path to financial security.
To accomplish this, you need to create more cash now; And to do that, you need to play big and take real action. Stop sitting on the couch worrying, stop working yourself to exhaustion making someone else rich, stop limiting your potential and claim your freedom.
Ask yourself, “What really happens when I pay off all of my debts?” For most people, it is only a short time before they just begin accumulating debt again to support a lifestyle they want but lack the means to live it. Some people are in debt because of the desire for a bigger, better life – and that’s okay. You can have all of these things WITHOUT going into debt.
There is no big secret to building a bigger life, you just need to create the cash to support it! If you want a latte, earn the extra $3 and buy a latte. There is no reason to deny yourself; all it takes is creating the resources you need to support the life you’ve always wanted.
This doesn’t mean you should ignore your debt entirely. All you need is to put a plan around your debt and then stop worrying about it. Get an action plan in place that will handle your debt recovery and then let it work while you focus on creating more money for yourself.
A simple plan of paying $50.00 more than the minimum on your lowest balance card is a start. When that card is paid off, take the money you were paying to that card and add it to the next lowest card payment you’ve been making and paying it off. Keep following that plan and you’ll be amazed at how quickly your credit card debt is gone. If you really want to tackle your debt you can get a full debt plan in my The Millionaire Maker book. Once you have put a plan around your debt, you need to move forward and keep your focus on cash creation.
You need to have a “take no prisoners” attitude.
When you have learned to create consistent cash flow, you will notice that your bad debt will disappear accordingly because you will have the money you need to buy the things you want. No more vacations on credit cards, you can pay cash. No more 5-year car loans when you can cover it in 2. Building your successful cash machine is the powerful step you need to creating the financial freedom you dream about.
Create new money and grow wealth vs. save your way to wealth
There’s a theory that you can simply save money to get to where you want to be – living like a pauper now so you can have a retirement when you’re 80. But why live scrimping now and maybe never live to see the pay off. Yes, it’s a good idea to save money. But, why spend time worrying about some future date that may never come when you could be building a cash machine that will support you today, and every day for the rest of your life?
Do you feel a sense of urgency? Are the bills piling up, or college tuition for the kids adding up? Are you desperate for a real vacation and some time for yourself? Do you want more cash income in your pocket and in your bank? Then, it’s time to take action! It’s time to build your Cash Machine!
*Why Build a Cash Machine?
Building your Cash Machine is easy when you know how to do it. Your goal may be to simply make an extra $500 to $1,000 a month. That’s not rocket science when you have a solid game plan and you follow through. There are a few key elements I want you to keep in mind as we go through this process. Have a note pad to write ideas and keep track of your insights so when it’s time to take action, you already have everything you need.
Develop Your Own Personal Economy
You can’t really do that much to affect the global economy. If times are great or times are tough, as an individual you’re at the whim of the market – riding the rollercoaster along with everyone else. So, what can you do? You can develop your own Personal Economy.
You see, what matters most is what’s happening around you. In your city, in your county, in your state. Some areas are doing better than others. Some countries are doing better than others. People in those areas that are thriving are experiencing a different economy then those in a depressed area. Take a look at the area you live in, are you in a booming economy that’s on the rise, or are you seeing things fall apart all around you? Regardless of where things sit right now, they will change, you can count on that.
To develop your own Personal Economy, you need to start by looking at where you get your information. Do you rely on the national media to tell you what’s going on? You’ll likely hear a drumbeat of doom and gloom in the news – failing businesses over here, foreclosures over there, Armageddon is lurking on the horizon – it’s all so dramatic. I’m an optimist by nature, but I’m also a realist; I know that drama sells and the news will lead with anything that is tragic. Telling tales of dread gets more eyes on their show than highlighting gains in the market, expansion of new business, and the growth of cottage industry. You need to educate yourself if you want to take control of your life. It’s up to you to be your own news source – surround yourself with the relevant information that will make building your Cash Machine easier.
Where should you start? Start by surrounding yourself with people that will help to give you feedback. You need people who will encourage you, inspire you, and empower you to keep going. You need to build a team. It might seem logical to start by asking your family to join your team. In some cases, this could be a mistake. People who depend on you for support have a need for security and this can make them hesitant to take risks. You need team members who don’t have a financial or emotional dependence on you. Building a strong support team is an integral part of your success and I’ll talk more specifically about that in Section 5.
Another step in developing your own Personal Economy is to become your own source of income. If you control your financial destiny, you are far less likely to be effected by larger economic conditions. It’s like creating a financial safety bubble around you and your family.
Many people face financial obstacles that prevent them from living the life they want. That’s because when times were good, they were living beyond their cash resources and using credit cards to fund their lifestyle. That’s a big mistake. If you want to build wealth, you need to run your money like your own business. Credit is a powerful tool that businesses use to grow and expand – they use it knowing that their business model can support the added debt load. It’s called “good debt” when that credit is used to generate additional profit – it’s called “bad debt” when credit is used to buy products and services that don’t pay you back. Mastering your finances and using the tools you already have, like your credit, as leverage to build a successful Cash Machine is the only effective way to use credit, everything else is off limits.
Another mistake people make is to hoard. They collect and collect and never let anything go. These are the people who live with a constant sense that there is a limited amount of resources to go around and someday there won’t be any thing left. As a result, they collect and store things like old clothes, papers, toys, shoes, cars, wood, and any number of other things they will probably never use again but fear throwing it away. They say, “I may need that someday” and they drown in their fears.
Other people are cocooning. They are hiding out and shielding themselves from reality – from the results their choices have created. They are also drowning,praying no one will see the “mess” they made in their life or the “bad” decisions that lead them down a road of financial pain.
The fact of the matter is, there is enough to go around! You can be financially free, you don’t need to scrimp and save for the unforeseen future, you can enjoy life today. It’s a time to get into action and look for ways to add value to your everyday life rather than living in a consciousness of “lack and limitation.” Trust that you have the power to be financially free and live without fear, it’s totally possible – and this Cash Machine is your way through.
Too many people lose their jobs and are now unable to find a new one. They are living on their savings and that’s running out. These people are too afraid to do something new or challenging and take control of their life and that fear means they face the risk of losing their home. They face the risk of being hounded by creditors – but there is another option.
It’s time to do whatever you can to get more cash in your pocket to ensure you can pay your bills and begin creating the life of your dreams. Let go of any emotional baggage you may be carrying from what’s happened in the past and get focused on the opportunity that will push you forward to the next phase of your life. You are on the verge of something amazing and I’m going to help you get there!
It’s easy to get stuck focusing on all of the negative news in the media. In reality, that’s just one way to look at things – the dramatic way. I believe we are experiencing an incredible wave of opportunity that will unlock the creative energy of millions of people and unleash a flood of new wealth over the next 10 years and longer.
Many people expect the government to solve their problems. They want a magic pill to get them out of the mess they created through a tough economy, poor lifestyle choices, or unforeseen expenses. It’s not going to happen. The good news is that you can bail yourself out!
Now, let’s examine the financial side of your life. How much money do you want to make with your Cash Machine? This is a broad question, I know. Many people will say, “unlimited amounts of cash.” But let’s start with today in mind. What do you need in order to get through today, this week, or this month comfortably?
The answer begins with finding out:
- Where are you now financially?
You must be completely honest with yourself. No sugarcoating the truth.
Look at ALL your debt, ALL your bills, ALL your expenses. Once you have
a clear picture on that, measure it against your current income. It may
startle you to see that you’re really just scrapping by, or you are in deficit
every month. It’s OK, knowing your current situation is the first step to
turning it all around. - Where do you want to be, financially?
With a clear idea of your financial situation, you will know how much
money it will take to break even, or pay down your debt, or invest in some
property. You’re looking ahead at the future, to a time when your bills are
paid, your savings is full, your retirement is covered, and there is plenty
left over for a great vacation. - Figuring out the difference
This is what I call “the GAP,” the distance between where you are
financially, and where you want to be. This analysis of your finances will
become your road map for creating financial freedom and building a lifelong
Wealth Cycle that can sustain you indefinitely.
Now that you have done a preliminary GAP Analysis, you can make your first Cash Machine goal and decide how much extra money you would like to create in the next month.
Case Study #1: Jennifer and Todd H.
Ages – 46 and 49
Location – Phoenix, AZ
Kids – 19 and 22 (in college)
When I first began working with Jennifer and Todd, they were both stuck inside
frustrating “corporate world” jobs. Jennifer worked as an executive at an
insurance company, while Todd was tired of his job as a nurse at a private
hospital. The couple came to work with my personal coaching program with the
idea of beginning a senior care business, but neither had run a business in the
past. However, from their experience in the health and insurance industries, the
couple understood the vast opportunity available in the market as more and more
Baby Boomers began to retire.
At first, the couple was unsure of whether they would need a full facility to
complete this business, or whether they were simply going to provide at-home
service. Because both were eager to leave their jobs, the fastest path to cash
was in providing remote care. The services they originally offered included
running errands, light home maintenance, medical assistance, and social
However, because of the urgency around Todd’s desire to leave his job, we
expanded their vision to include ancillary services such as yard care,
transportation to social groups or medical appointments, and a variety of other
services. These services also allowed the couple to expand outside of the senior
market if they cared to do so, while eventually bringing on a team as the
business continued to grow.
Case Study #2: Nancy B.
Age – 36
Location – Chicago, IL
Kids – 10, 14, 16
I met Nancy shortly after she had gone through a painful divorce after 18 years of
marriage. She was a stay at home mother for her three kids, which often made
her schedule non-negotiable due to parenting obligations. The vast majority of
her time was spent either transporting the kids to school and activities, or
otherwise spending time with them at home. Although many people in Nancy’s
situation turned to tech-type jobs, she didn’t have the experience or skill in this
The thing that jumped out at me right away was how dedicated Nancy was to
children. Not only was she always with her own children, but other children from
the neighborhood seemed to gravitate toward her home as well. While the other
parents were at work, Nancy was happily tending to the needs of the
Naturally, it seemed that the best type of cash machine for Nancy would relate to
children, which was both her passion and area of greatest expertise. Nancy
worked to develop a life skills program for kids, which included different lessons
in both a group and one-on-one format. The classes included such areas as
home maintenance, cooking, sewing, finances, music and cultural appreciation,
emergency preparedness skills, and team building. Because Nancy was so well
known in her community, parents were happy to pay the cash for time and
Nancy quickly realized that without a college degree or years in the workforce
she had to capitalize on being a stay at home mom for so many years. What
most women don’t realize is just how much talent it takes to run a household, and
in today’s popular two parent income model, most of our traditional skills are not
being passed on to the younger generation. Nancy turned activities that she did
every day for years into a very sought after service and education company that
took what she knew and instantly created cash without any extra training or time
spent away from her kids.
To make sure she was in compliance with local laws, Nancy also spent some
time at the local city office. Over the period of a few days, Nancy went from
being a concerned mother to a legitimate business.
As an added bonus, Nancy’s children are actively involved in the business. They
have helped her to develop new classes, games, and activities. They often help
run the programs when Nancy is working with younger children or a different
group. As a result, Nancy pays them for their work! What a great lesson to learn
at such a young age!
Case Study #3: Samantha W.
Age – 57
Location – Ft. Lauderdale, FL
No Kids -Widowed (Husband died leaving the estate in shambles and not
I met Samantha at one of my Cash Machine Workshops (CMW), where she
spoke with me in the back of the room. After only a few words, she was having a
hard time holding it together. Only a few weeks earlier, her husband passed
away after a long battle with cancer. For most of their marriage, he had taken
care of the financial obligations of the household…or so she thought. Following
his death, she discovered that he died without a will, leaving many of their assets
tied up in probate for a time. Furthermore, her job in human resources for a local
restaurant group was being threatened due to the company’s intention to force
Samantha into an early retirement.
Even after a short conversation, it was obvious that Samantha had a number of
different skills that could translate into a business opportunity. During a
subsequent coaching session, Samantha’s organizational and planning skills
were identified as her greatest area of strength. Samantha’s years in the
hospitality industry made her an expert in events such as company retreats,
trainings, celebrations, and PR events. Furthermore, she often organized family
events such as reunions, birthday parties, anniversaries, weddings, and other
We quickly worked out a plan to use her skills and contacts within the community
to launch an event planning business in both the residential and corporate
space. Samantha was extremely dedicated to reaching out to her contacts and
had an overwhelming response. Within only a week, she had already booked
three major events! Because of Samantha’s networking skills, she quickly made
partnerships within her local community with a local DJ and photographer.
Whenever anyone requested a service that Samantha didn’t offer, she was quick
to find a teammate and shared the revenue with them.
Within a month, the business was generating enough income to allow her to
focus completely on the business, giving her the chance to retire from her
position at the restaurant.
Case Study #4: Joe O.
Age – 27
Location – Seattle, WA
Single Without Children
When I first met Joe, at a business conference, he instantly struck me as a
brilliant young man. He had recently graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in
Business Administration, but like so many others in his age group, Joe was
unable to find any type of stable employment. Even during our first conversation,
Joe seemed to have a great deal of interest in becoming an entrepreneur, but he
was having difficulty with figuring out exactly what area he should pursue.
Since he had essentially given up on his job search, Joe was spending the
majority of his days on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and
Linked In. In addition, he had also created a blog page to discuss local arts,
music, events, and entertainment. When discussing his skills further, it became
obvious that Joe had been developing websites and working with technology for
quite some time. He even maintained websites for a few of his friends, but
wasn’t charging them at all for the time and maintenance!
As Joe began to take action to build his Cash Machine, he realized he needed
help with some of the areas he was unfamiliar with. He asked for referrals to local
businesses that could help him. He was referred to an accountant who
specialized in working with small businesses. He consulted an attorney to create
a contract for clients. He even found a website developer who helped him to
create a WordPress site. Even experts sometimes need help in the beginning to
get the best result.
While Joe was comfortable connecting with people online, it was clear he needed
to take more action to find clients in his local community. Although connecting
with people online is increasingly popular, there is still no substitute for in-person
marketing and networking. The first action steps I gave to Joe were to seek out
and join his local business associations and groups. Most of the time, the people
most in need of these types of services will NOT be able to find you online.
That’s because they aren’t there to begin with! Joe quickly received some leads
for website development and was well on his way to a successful business.
*6 Reasons You Need to Take Action Now
If you are feeling a sense of urgency that something needs to change soon, or are facing any financial challenges and struggling with making any decisions, then it’s time to take action.
Start by answering the following question:
What is the biggest financial challenge you are facing today?
You might be dealing with bills, tuitions, medical expenses, car payments and repairs, difficult real estate investments, and any number of other challenges that face people just like you. Write down the one that weighs on you the most and let’s take a look at solving it.
Most of the financial challenges that people face today can be solved simply by making more money. In fact, an additional $500 to $1,000 per month can make a big difference for most people. But, how do you generate an extra $500 to $1,000 a month? This workbook answers that question and will give you the step-by-step instructions you need to do it for the rest of your life. And if you follow the steps laid out here, you will get results.
But, don’t wait. There are a lot of good reasons to take action now. And if you wait, it’s unlikely your situation will simply get better. In today’s economy, you need to change what you’re doing and take advantage of the opportunities that are staring you in the face.
Let’s consider 6 great reasons to take action now.
1. Companies are laying off employees
The days of having lifetime job security are long gone. Most people are lucky to
be employed for 3-5 years as technology improves allowing less people to do
more work. The new model is that companies are squeezing more work out of
fewer people. They expect employees to accomplish more using advancing
technology tools, and one day you could be one of the casualties.
There is no guarantee you will have your job a year from now, or even six
months from now. And if you lose your job, they may not even replace you. They
will simply give your work to someone else and expect them to do both jobs.
Sounds familiar? You might even be one of those people who is now shouldering
the responsibilities of two, three, or even ten employees – and you’re sick of it. Why be dependent on a company that has no vested interest in your future? You
can have multiple sources of income and ensure that a change in the office
doesn’t have to mean a change in your lifestyle.
2. Stock market is gyrating and real estate is at a low
Long term investments are great, real estate and the stock market have
historically paid out over time, but what about today – or worse, tomorrow? What
if the year you retire, the stock market takes a dive and your 401k is gone?
Will you have enough money to live on when you want to stop working? The
answer for most people is no. That means they will have to continue working
when they would prefer to travel, spend time with family and enjoy life. Age
discrimination will prevent many older workers from being able to get and keep
good full time jobs. So, many people will have to take on a part time, less
desirable job. Do you really want to have to work as a greeter at a retail store in
your golden years? It’s kind of sad when you see a senior citizen greeting people
as they walk into a store. Imagine being in their shoes when you’re 60, 70 or
even 80. If you don’t want their fate, then you need to get going now. You need to
start creating a dependable cash system that will support you today and in
retirement. There is no better feeling than knowing you’re taken care of
regardless of what happens to the economy.
3. International competition is growing
America used to be the clear leader in the world economy. But, if you haven’t
noticed, times have changed. China is a growing economic power and many jobs
have been outsourced to India. You may not have realized it, but you are caught
in a global battle for the future of the world economy. Your job could be at risk, or
your children’s job.
What can you do? It starts with being less dependent on a job and building a
strategy to continually grow your cash machine so it will weather the storms of
the future.
4. There’s NEVER been a better time!
There has never been a better time to start a Cash Machine and claim your financial freedom. Economies are always changing and new opportunities to capitalize on your skills are emerging every day.
Your Cash Machine means you have the opportunity to step in and develop relationships with other business owners and individuals who are hungry for a leg up – people looking to leverage the current market and generate huge profits for you and them. This spirit of cooperation is the fuel you need for your Cash Machine to thrive, and there’s never been a better time.
Think about the entrepreneurs from prior centuries – Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Ben Franklin. You have so many more opportunities and so many more resources than they ever had. Imagine life without the internet, or even without electricity. What could Einstein do with the computing power of today? What would Ben Franklin do with a mobile phone? What could Thomas Edison do with the advancements in manufacturing? The possibilities are endless and the stage is set for you to have the success you’ve always dreamed of.
5. Making an extra $500 to $1,000 is easy!
Many people are struggling in their finances. People are losing their jobs. They are losing their homes. They have maxed out their credit cards and feel insecure about their future. Most people react by trying to cut expenses. That’s the wrong approach to take. You need to focus on making more money. Why add misery to frustration by scrimping and self denial?
What would you do with an additional $500 a month? What would you do with an additional $1,000 a month? The possibilities are endless and the skills you already have can make it a reality.
With just a few hours a week and a great plan, you can literally make $500 – $1,000 every month for the rest of your life. If you’re ambitious, you can replicate that process and make it $5,000 or even $10,000 a month. It’s totally up to you – it’s just a matter of “copy & paste.”
6. Technology makes it easy!
One of the reasons outsourcing to other countries is so popular is that technology has made it easy to communicate and collaborate online. Tools like Skype allow people to talk at a fraction of the cost of normal phone lines. Workgroup collaboration tools allow people to share documents and files.
Here’s the good news, that same technology is also making it easier to create a successful Cash Machine. You can build it and run it from home. That will help to keep your costs low and ensure you can stay flexible as the future brings new opportunities. Remember, the goal here is to put more cash in your pocket, quickly – there’s no need to get bogged down in high overhead and expense.