3 Days To Cash Workbook
Module 3
BUILD IT: Do what you know
You’ve taken the first step and started working with my program so I know you’re
ready to take charge of your life. Now it’s time to take the next step. It’s time to
build your Cash Machine. This is where the magic happens. Over the years, I
have helped thousands of people become their own personal success story by
giving them the tools they need to have real financial freedom. To be totally
honest, I love working with people to help them build their Cash Machine
because that cash machine is their ticket to a new life.
Initially, you’re going to be coming up with some ideas that might make a great
Cash Machine, but you’re not going to do the all at first, so you need some
people to give you feedback about your ideas. This is where a good strategist
can really get you going in the right direction; and why I am giving you a FREE
strategy session with one of my team.
They’re here to do what a lot of your friends and even some of your family may
not be able to do, support you in reaching your dreams, no matter what it takes.
Sometimes, even though they may love you, friends and family are not always as
supportive as you want them to be when BIG life-changing decisions are being
made. They want the best for us, but they don’t know how we’re going to make
these big dreams come true so they become negative, confrontational, and
difficult to be around. So, I’ve eliminated that issue in giving you a strategist to
work with.
Call my office at 888-262-2402 and start working through your ideas. Once you
know you have a winner, you can announce to the family. “I’m creating a cash
machine that is going to finally give me income security!’ The only thing left for
them to say is, HOORAY!
It’s important to know that you have a support team around you who can give you
feedback on your decisions, and applaud your progress. That kind of positive
reinforcement is priceless and will ultimately mean the difference between
continued frustration and absolute success.
What is a Cash Machine?
We’ve been talking about creating a Cash Machine for a while now so I want to
give you my official definition so we can all be on the same page as we move
Build your Cash Machine
Definition of a Cash Machine:
A legitimate, legally structured business venture that:
• Uses your skill sets,
• Is modeled after a similar successful business,
• Is developed in weeks, (sometimes days),
• Takes advantage of teamwork
• Generates immediate cash to feed your Wealth Cycle™.
There are three ways to create your Cash Machine. You can:
1. build it,
2. fix it or
3. Buy it.
Since your goal is to make an extra $500 to $1,000 a month, your fastest path to
cash is to build it rather than spend any of your current cash resources in buying
or fixing a cash machine that already exists. You need to find a product, service,
or skill you can offer quickly so you can start earning cash fast.
This process will ensure the shortest amount of time from setting your Cash
Machine in motion and cashing your first check.
5 Steps to Build your Cash Machine
I’ve been building successful Cash Machines for many years and I’ve fine tuned
the process into 5 steps so anyone can do it with little or no previous business
The steps are straight forward and simple enough to grasp:
Step #1: Select a Cash Machine
Step #2: Model a company or person
Step #3: Marketing your Cash Machine
Step #4: Make Sales
Step #5: Ongoing actions
These steps form the outline for my entire program. This is a simple, step by step
process. It takes work and follow through to build success. It takes effort and
committed action. And, if you follow the instructions I give you, you can generate
an extra $500 to $1,000 per month. And once you reach that point, the sky’s the
Before we dive into the action steps for building your Cash Machine, I want to
give you tools to really focus your attention on this process and the final results
you want to see.
Skill Set Analysis
I believe that your fastest path to cash starts with making use of the skill sets you
already have – there is no reason to go back to school when you already have
completely marketable skills that you’ve developed over a lifetime of living.
When people begin to make the transition from employee to entrepreneur, they
often dive into the deep end – into a business they know nothing about without
any of the skill sets required to do the work. Remember, that multi-million dollar
company you want to leave has been building its success for many years – if you
think you can jump right in at that level and survive, you’re mistaken.
That strategy isn’t going to lead you to fast cash. It will lead you down a dark road to
despair, frustration, and wasted time. Don’t go there!
Instead, I recommend you make dough with what you know! You see, you
already have marketable skills. You need to do things which can help you earn
new money. New entrepreneurs often overlook the skills they already have and
thus, have several failed attempts before they finally wake up and start doing
what they already know.
So you may be asking yourself, “What skills do I have?” And, that’s a great
question. Take a moment now to complete the following exercise.
Make a list of the skills you know you do well. This might include something
simple like answering phones, running errands, or listening to people. If could
include skills like designing websites, carpentry, or auto mechanics. It may even
be hobbies like pottery, sewing, or music.
Make a list of 10 or more skills you have:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
4. _______________________________________
5. _______________________________________
6. _______________________________________
7. _______________________________________
8. _______________________________________
9. _______________________________________
10. ______________________________________
Now that you have identified some of the skills you know how to do, take a
minute to identify which 3 skill sets could be quickly turned to create cash fast.
Most people are spread thin with work and family – some of the things they want
to do just never seem to happen. Focus your list on skills you have that could
ease the stress on someone else and they would be happy to pass on to you.
Select 3 skills you can use to create cash fast:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
Now, there are probably a lot of things you have done in the past that you are not
really excited about. Passion creates energy. When you are passionate about
your work, you have more energy to get the job done.
Action Item: What Really Excites You
Make a list of 3 or more things that really excite you:
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
Next, let’s consider what you have done in the past to make money. I want you to
dig back into you memory and think about all of the jobs you have had in the
past. Take an inventory of your jobs and what helped you to earn an income.
Exercise: Past jobs
Make a list of all of the jobs you have had in the past (use an additional sheet if
1. _______________________________________
2. _______________________________________
3. _______________________________________
Action item: Complete the following table to analyze your skills:
Skill Set Analyzer:
1. List your responsibilities at your job or
2. List the specific tasks associated with
these responsibilities
3. List any other tasks you do at your
job, even though they are not your
responsibility – because you like to or
because your feel compelled to do them
4. List the industries and markets in
which you have experience
5. List the tasks you do at home
6. List the activities you find yourself
doing in your free time
7. List the tasks others often ask you to
help them with
8. List the tasks you are good at and
might take for granted
Wow! Great job! You’re one step closer to building your Cash Machine. Let’s
keep moving forward.
It’s time to match your skills with your Cash Machine ideas.