Don’t Distribute Our Wealth. Distribute Our Work Ethic!
By: Loral Langemeier
When I was home for a visit last month, one of the local politicians was running a nifty little campaign with their slogan, “Don’t Distribute Our Wealth. Distribute Our Work Ethic!” Now there’s a statement – and one that I whole-heartedly agree with. What the country needs is a healthy shot of WORK ETHIC!
At Alumni 15, I spoke with a select group who wanted to know more about the $100,000 Challenge. Ultimately the “no” didn’t come from resources, lack of money, lack of desire – it came from the fear of how much work was involved. Here are the main objections (or should I say “excuses” ) that I heard:
“I don’t really want to do everything on this list?”
“But I’m not sure I can do all those things”
“I don’t know how to do all that”
Here was my response…..What if you were studying to be a nurse and didn’t want to learn how to take someone’s blood pressure? What if you wanted to be an attorney, but didn’t feel like learning how to type up briefs? Or a surgeon who didn’t want to study anatomy? It all sounds really silly when you put it like that, doesn’t it? The truth is, we need to look at our own businesses like this – work ethic comes from one person – YOU.
The $100k Challenge is a pure work ethic challenge where, if you DO THE WORK, you will add $100,000 in revenue to your bottom line in a year – GUARANTEED.
5 Reasons Why You Should Participate in the $100K Challenge
- $100,000 is yours, guaranteed, if you work for it.
- You are going to experience every facet of our community and benefit from it like never before.
- You get personal time with me and my team of Master Coaches. Seriously, this usually costs more than $5,000 to get – but you’ll get it all for one investment!
- No matter what your business is, it will grow.
- Because YOU CAN DO IT! You know you can. Say “Yes!”and then figure out how.
Now let’s do this! Get your free session with one of our wealth strategists
Table of Contents
- Letter From Loral; Goals, Accountability, and Business Growth
- Improving Your Experience: NEW Customer Hub Membership Areas!
- “Don’t Distribute Our Wealth. Distribute Our Work Ethic!” – $100k Challenge
- Student Success Story: “How To Make Sure Your Kids Leave Home Before You’re Broke”
- Internet Marketing 101?
- Top 10 Reasons To ” Ask Loral” On Sept 24th At 4pm PST
- Event of the Month