Profile: Taking a Risk
How? Here’s the story:
I met Patrick back in March at a 3 Days to Cash event I hosted in South Africa. He had just lost his engineering business. We talked briefly and I told him a bit about my summer plans to expand into South Africa to help the people there.
He asked me, “So who’s going to get you on the news and all over the media?”
That part of my plan hadn’t been flushed out yet.
So he told me he could get me on 20 TV shows and radio broadcasts in a span of two days. And get this: He was an engineer.
A mechanical engineer! Can you believe that? No experience whatsoever in dealing with media or marketing.
But he had already made the biggest move: He said YES! and started to figure out how.
So I gave him a shot.
And he put his ear to the ground and started moving. Little by little, he started to put together a two-day schedule full of media interviews.
By the time late July came, he had 18 (Yes, 18!) interviews lined up.
When I landed in South Africa, we got in the limo and got to work.
Now, it’s pretty difficult for me to trust somebody I’ve only met a few times. You gotta get in really good with me before I can trust you, you know?
Check out pictures of my South Africa media blitz here!
Bravo, Patrick!
So, why do I bring all of this up?
Because Patrick has the fire and desire I wish more of you would have.
He saw my organization and wanted to be a part of Live Out Loud’s move to South Africa. Instead of asking how he could get involved, he offered a direct path to getting involved.
Listen to my interview on Jacaranda FM in South Africa!
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Once he got his foot in the door, he performed above expectation.
For anybody — much less an engineer with no experience in media — to pull this off was admirable.
He had the guts to put himself out there, make a bold promise, and deliver.
More of you need to take a step into courage, set high goals and figure out how to fulfill them.
Be bold. Take risks. Dive into the unknown.
It could make you a millionaire.