Welcome back to the weekly market awareness broadcast. We are talking about your fear of money and failure. We are here to help you end this year and start next year right. We are joined by Justin Bennett and John Howard. Justin is a real estate guru and most of his focus is on multi-family real estate. John started his career as an investment counselor and has now moved into real estate development including alternative investments.
We talk about what is going on in the economy and give economic updates first. Then we jump into our topic which is fear of failure. Many people use failure as an excuse to never get going. We share some of our own failure stories and how we got through them. Then we share practical tips for overcoming your fear of failure.
“Things never go exactly like you think they are going to go. Things are always changing and you have to be able to adapt.” -John Howard Click To TweetShow Notes:
[01:44] We are going to be talking about the fear of failure.
- [04:19] Economic update: Small business owners are getting hit the hardest.
- [04:32] Justin shares about the current state in Kansas and Missouri.
- [07:13] It is an economic injustice that we are fighting.
- [08:04] John shares about the current state in Texas and how it varies across the state.
- [08:57] It is important to support our small businesses during this time.
- [11:19] A lot of people have a lot of fear these days. You’re going to have failures.
- [12:24] To combat failure, many times you just have to keep moving.
- [12:52] Justin shares a failing story and how he walked through it. His failure was not planning and putting the right steps into place to protect his business.
- [14:20] It is amazing what you can achieve through all the different networking. We have the ability to control our own destiny.
- [15:14] Failures don’t set you back to the point of no return. It is just a minor speed bump.
- [15:29] John shares some of his failure stories. He learned so many valuable lessons from his failures that still help him today.
- [17:01] Things never go exactly like you think they are going to go. Things are always changing and you have to be able to adapt.
- [17:19] You need to have a vision or mission bigger than yourself. You need adaptability, flexibility, and creativity to be successful.
- [18:42] You are going to run into things and your attitude is going to help you get through it. You need to reach out for help.
- [20:01] The community brings so much additional knowledge than we when you are going through things alone.
- [20:51] People who benefit are the people who aren’t afraid to take action and who are not afraid to fail and make a mistake.
- [21:16] Planning and making decisions now is how you get ahead in life and how you get to where you want to be. It is times like these that the educated take advantage of the situation.
- [21:52] Justin shares about the most exciting project he is working on right now.
- [23:01] John is excited to be helping his friends and family with the knowledge he has.
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