Today we have a very interesting topic around making money. Direct sales is an industry that has made many people billionaires and multi-millionaires. In many countries including the United States, it still has a stigma about it. With me today is Janine Finney, who is an expert on network marketing.
Janine Finney spent the first 30 years of her career as a sales executive in Corporate America. Then, at the age of 50, Janine began a new career that she never expected to pursue, Network Marketing. When Janine’s daughter, Lory, shared her desire to join a Network Marketing company after graduating from college, she quickly discovered that her mom had a very different opinion about this type of business than she did. Their strongly opposing views and the battles that ensued are what inspired them to co-author a book called, “The Flip Flop CEO”, which has sold over 100,000 copies. Then, five years later, they wrote a sequel to their first book, called, “Does the Shoe Fit? The Guide to Help You Decide.” Janine believes that many women are searching for the freedom and flexibility that Network Marketing provides, but don’t recognize it because of the stigma and misconceptions surrounding this topic. It has become Janine’s mission is to help others understand what Network Marketing is, and is NOT!
We talk about why direct sales should be something you do or possibly add on to what you are already doing. We also talk about the misconceptions of network marketing. Finally, Janine shares some practical steps for finding the right network marketing company for you to be successful.
“For people that are searching for a way to have more control over their future network marketing is an opportunity to have an online international virtual business in a box without the high price tag.” -Janine Finney Click To TweetShow Notes:
[01:54] Janine was in the corporate world for thirty years and she realized that some people are not cut out for the cubicle world.
- [03:47] After doing back and forth with her daughter for over a year she decided to check into network marketing. She found that her negative experience was not the whole profession.
- [04:01] She went from the mindset of “I will never do this” to “I think, I was born to do this” very quickly after her research.
- [04:47] Janine wanted to help change the stigma of network marketing so she wrote the book, Flip Flop CEO. Her second book Does the Shoe Fit was written to help others evaluate if network marketing is a good fit for them.
- [06:16] Network marketing is a franchise in a box and it is so different than the perception of it.
- [07:11] There are still so many misconceptions about direct sales and there are so many people searching for exactly what it offers but they don’t recognize it because of the myths.
- [08:29] There is also a huge misconception about the earning potential. Many professionals see direct sales as hobby money and it can be so much more.
- [09:49] A third really big myth is that they assume that all network marketing companies are the same.
- [12:39] For people that are searching for a way to have more control over their future network marketing is an opportunity to have an online international virtual business in a box without the high price tag.
- [13:46] For people that are looking for a way to have more control over their own destiny, this is a business that can be grown alongside what you are currently doing.
- [14:07] People that are successful in business are successful in this business because typically they have time management skills, recognize a good income opportunity, and really understand it. It allows you to own your life, control, your time, and you can work on your own schedule.
- [15:00] The flexibility and freedom are here and you can make as much and little as you want to earn. The sky’s the limit and there is no glass ceiling.
- [16:46] This is a legitimate business that you can put a corporate structure around, do legal deductions, take business trips, and promote anywhere in the world. You can use a lot of higher strategies to build a successful business.
- [18:25] Janine compares direct sales to joining a gym.
- [19:31] Many people fail at network marketing because they don’t treat it like a business. Do you put as much effort into it as you did your job?
- [20:21] There is a difference between direct sales and network marketing.
- [20:36] The Direct Sales Association is a good place to go look at companies and find reputable companies. Direct sales is a good option if you are looking for right now money vs. long term money.
- [20:56] In network marketing you are typically building a network of consumers. People are going to shop over and over again and that is how you can build long term money.
- [21:21] Janine recommends looking for a company that provides consumable products if you are looking for long term residual income. You also want to find something that you believe in and that you get hooked on yourself.
- [22:03] She would give friends something that she knew they would fall in love with and that they wouldn’t want to be without. She would tell them to use it for a week and if they didn’t like it they could give it back but when they did love it she would show them how to buy it at a discount.
- [23:29] Really think about your audience and circle of influence. Who are you going to be able to provide a solution for? We are in the business of being a solution provider.
- [24:07] It is important to find something you’re passionate about because then you are going to be able to do it authentically. If you narrow it down to three companies, interview the people in the company and find out how they are doing the business.
- [25:21] Some first steps that Janine recommends are listening to their podcast, MLM, You Decide, and reading the book Flip Flop CEO. The Flip Flop CEO is going to give you a really good overview of what network marketing is.
- [26:21] Seek out objective information that isn’t biased to one specific company.
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Flip Flop CEO
Does the Shoe Fit
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MLM, You Decide Podcast