Safari in South Africa
My team & I just got back from an amazing 3 Days to Cash workshop in Johannesburg. It was my second stop in South Africa this year and it was just another amazing overall experience.
I learned/remembered three main things on this trip:
- The people we met are REAL go-getters and want to become millionaires!…and I’m going to get them there!
- There’s only a handful of things cooler than traveling to foreign countries! Man, it totally makes the jetlag, bumpy plane rides & customs check-ins worth it!
- Hyenas suck! They’re so disgusting…just like in The Lion King! Maybe I could make some nice cowboy boots out of ‘em? Haha, kidding!
The video above is just a tiny snippet of the neat stuff we got to do when we weren’t busting our tails at the workshops. And let me backtrack a little bit — what I said about the elephant was half true. They’re actually very beautiful creatures & kind of majestic in a weird way. Lions, zebras, hyenas, gazelles, rhinos, monkeys — we saw tons of beautiful animals on a safari we took there. I’d definitely recommend a trip here when you get the time this summer.
And South Africa was just the beginning — we’re going to start touring the world a lot more & spreading the message of Health, Wealth & Happiness to whoever is smart enough to hear us out!
Aside from all the crazy animals, the climate down there really reminded me that summer is setting in back home. And with a little more time on our hands now during this season (for those who are fortunate enough), it’s the perfect time for a little reflection.
With that in mind, I want you to ponder this:
“Find out what you’re good at. Get good enough at doing it that people pay you to do it. If you don’t like your skill set, too bad…it’s what God gave you!”
Hope you’ve had a wonderful start to your summer & get a nice tan while you can!