Follow This “Courageous” Family!
In my February newsletter, I told you about the White family — a group of wonderful people I met in 2010 when they came to a 3 Days to Cash event. After this event (which Jody and John, parents, attended with their teenage son, Riley), they finally decided to act on a gut feeling they’d been having for a while: leaving behind the world they knew to travel abroad as a family.
After talking to John and Jody about their aspirations, Jody said, “I said ‘YES! We’re going to do this. Now we just need to figure out how.’” They joined one of my coaching programs and for two years, they grew their business with what I was able to teach them.
John was able to move his financial planning practice home and work virtually — something that needed to happen prior to their trip.
Jody picked up every book she could find about traveling with a family abroad. She found one book in particular that had volunteer opportunities around the globe.
So in 2010 the entire family, including their daughter Allison (who has lost the ability to speak due to a rare childhood case of Neurosarcoidosis) left their comfort zone, dropped life, and started their travels of the world — and started an incredible blog on their travel at
“So out we went,” the blog reads. “To the world. For nine months of low-budget, high adventure travels to places we’d never been and to people we’d never met. We gave away or sold most of our belongings, loaded our four backpacks, and set out for a trip of a lifetime.”
The family has visited more than 20 countries thus far and has volunteered in more than 15. They’ve expanded their bucket list 100-fold, made new friends, learned new languages, experienced amazing personal growth, and developed greater belief in themselves and the world.
So where’d they get the courage?
“We found it in the same place you find yours. Inside. We all have a courage vibe, and when we tap into it, adventure begins, dreams expand, life becomes vibrant. Our family is COMMITTED to living courageous lives because we have experienced the results first-hand.”
Just an unbelievable story of belief, growth, and courage! I’m so happy to have crossed paths with this family and helped them along the path to their calling.
For those that are eligible and qualify for our next Alumni event July 29-August 1 in San Diego, the White family will be some of our showcase speakers. They’ll not only be recounting their many journeys, but sharing ways that you can do the same thing — travel with your family abroad for prolonged periods of time on a shoestring budget.
If you haven’t registered for Alumni 16 yet
(July 29-Aug. 1 in San Diego), we’re almost sold out!
You can get your ticket here: