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Your #1 Problem Is...
So your #1 biggest problem that’s holding you back from creating ultimate wealth is Stagnant Business Growth. Your business revenue has plateaued. I see a lot of people stuck in the $50,000 to $100,000 and the $120,000 to $200,000 revenue level.
And after working with entrepreneurs over the last 20 years I’ve noticed an interesting pattern, which goes like this:
The employee quits her job to become self-employed. Once she replaces the income she had at her job her business growth stagnates. If she made $78,000 a year, she’ll work hard until her business is generating about $6,500/month. Then she can’t seem to get over the hump.
If that’s you, if you feel like you’ve hit an invisible wall where you can’t seem to make over $200,000 a year then you’re suffering from a classic case of Stagnant Business Growth. Perhaps you’re like the employee who just wanted to replace her prior income with a business. There’s nothing wrong with doing that as long as you don’t stop there!
Remember, growth is a choice. But so is staying stuck where you are. You can throw a pity party and complain about all the reasons why business is so hard or you can choose to move forward and grow your business.
However, deciding to grow your business is only the first step. As soon as you do that you’ll run into problems, which are really the very things you must overcome to go to the next level.
1. Team: One of the first obstacles you’ll likely experience has to do with not having a team. If you’re making less than $200,000 a year then you’re probably doing most the work yourself. You’re doing the marketing, sales, fulfillment, accounting, customer service, etc. And that’s exhausting! You run around putting out fires, dealing with all the urgent tasks while neglecting the important revenue generating projects you know you should do but just don’t have time for.
2. Technology: You’ll also need to invest in the right technology that will help you automate tasks for you and your newly formed team. For example, you may hire a salesperson but without a good CRM in place your leads and sales opportunities will inevitably fall through the cracks.
3. Fulfillment: If you really want to solve your Stagnant Business Growth problem you must outsource your fulfillment, or organize a fulfillment team, so you can be free from fulfilling the orders or implementing the services you sell. Remember, every hour you spend on fulfillment or implementation is an hour you could have spent growing the business.
There’s many reasons people get stuck under $200,000 in revenue; but 90% of the time it has to do with one of those three areas. But the good news is that once you figure out your team, technology and fulfillment you free yourself from Stagnant Business Growth and you can go to $1,000,000 like that! It’s like taking the parking brake off your growth and hitting the gas pedal.
Remember, it’s your choice to grow or stay stuck. Anyone can grow their business.
The question is: are you willing to get help to do it or will you do the same thing forever and expect different results?
Your next step is to join my mastermind!
I've worked with thousands of clients over the past twenty years and I have seen this EXACT situation first hand over and over ... the good news is that it's not unique.
It's almost always the result of not having any wealth building strategy or having one that is LAZY.
In fact, as anyone who has read any of my 5 New York Times Best Selling books will tell you, becoming financially free and building your wealth is the result of a plan AND NOT AN ACCIDENT.
You have to have a high powered wealth strategy if you want high end wealth.
Loral Langemeier
Watch Loral's short film.
FROM LORAL: Before you go any further, here's a quick background on myself, Loral Langemeier, and the work we do at Integrated Wealth Systems:
I became a millionaire as a single mother at the age of 34 years old (while pregnant with my first child, I might add), and I know that financial abundance is available to everyone – you just have to be around the right people.
My team and I are experts in the areas of finance, including mentoring & coaching, real estate investment, business acquisition & development, and gas & oil and so much more.
I’ve been a frequent guest on business finance for networks such as CNN, CNBC, The Street TV, INC., Fox News Channel, as well as Dr. Phil and the View.
Integrated Wealth Systems has been serving lives for two decades and the primary mission of our organization is to put you in conversation with other wealth-builders – people who have done what you want to do.
Because when you surround yourself with experts and mentors in the field, you learn what really works.
My team and I have been building a worldwide community of in-the-field experts and mentors who are actively building wealth through businesses, real estate, and a wide range of alternative assets.
It’s this community and the education on assets that sets us apart from any other business or wealth education. Including those you’ll find at universities or through private mentorship.
It’s our primary goal to teach you how to MAKE more money, how to KEEP it and INVEST it – all the while building a TEAM. There is no such thing as self made millioniares but team made millioniares.
I’m so passionate about money because most people do it wrong.
When it comes to money, most people focus solely on income and expenses. Whether their money is coming from a job or an entrepreneurial venture, there’s no plan in place for consistent wealth-building.
The problem with this focus is that without a specific, strategic and long-term wealth-building plan, (including a corporate business structure and allocation of money into wealth-cycle investments), building wealth just won’t happen.
And that’s why you’re here – to get high-level education and training on wealth strategies that have been used by millionaires before you, millionaires now, and millionaires to come.
Being a millionaire is not a luck of the draw – it truly just takes a system and people who can guide you there.
My team and I look forward to helping you grow in your financial journey.
Don't take my word for it, we have a community that backs us and trusts us.
Plus thousands more...take the jump, start today.
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