Message From Loral – Wake Up and Live!!
Henry David Thoreau Wikipedia
In Henry David Thoreau’s Essay Economy, he writes that most people live their lives as if sleeping, blindly following the ways of their parents, and become trapped into these lives by owning property and slaving in jobs to maintain their way of life.
Sound familiar?
You wake up, get ready for work and make the trip into the office. You sit there all day doing something you don’t really like. But hey, it keeps food on the table and a roof over your head.
In fact, you don’t think much about it any more because it’s just what you do.
Everyday is the basically the same. You wake up, work, come home and go to bed only to repeat it all again tomorrow.
The only way you know what day it is by the shows you watch at night. You know that…
- Mondays – Dancing with the Stars
- Tuesdays – Mad Men
- Wednesdays – American Idol
- Thursdays – Scandal
- Fridays – Vegas
Whether you admit to it or not, this is how you tell which day it is. It’s much healthier than Bon Jovi’s version…
“Sometimes you tell the day by the bottle you drink.”
What changes have you made from day-to-day let alone week-to-week to build wealth, build your net worth or become financially free.
I’d like for you to take massive action and get things set in motion all at once.
That’s the fastest way to build real wealth or to go bankrupt. You have to know what you’re doing to make things happen and in the right order.
However, so many of you don’t know what to do so you just end up doing nothing.
Sure, you might have a few thousand in the bank saved up for a rainy day or a rental property that’s brining in a couple hundred a month.
But that’s not going to give you what you need to become financially free, let alone retire on. You have to get serious about asset allocation and use your time more wisely than coming home and watching pointless TV.
In case you missed it, Monday April 8th I had a very special Ask Loral were I shared ways for you to start to use your assets to build wealth quickly. If you currently don’t have any assets I also shared some quick ways to start to build them during your evenings.