Give Thanks and Hold Them Close
In all the preparation for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it can be easy to miss the real reason for the season – namely, Thanksgiving. Traditionally, it’s a time for everyone to gather, enjoy family and friends, and just be thankful for everything you’ve enjoyed through the year. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by – don’t focus so much on growing your business and finding financial success that you miss out on the things that truly define a successful, fulfilled, happy life.
When it comes to defining success, many of us think too strictly about financial matters, business growth and the like. However, you can’t overlook the fact that your only true legacy is the impact you make on those around you, those with whom you share your life. Make the most of this Thanksgiving and celebrate every achievement, every success, every moment together with people who really matter to you.
It can also be easy to view Thanksgiving with some trepidation. Family squabbles, arguing and short tempers can ruin the holiday. Don’t let them – make a commitment to yourself and your family that this amazing opportunity to build stronger bonds, rebuild connections and reaffirm what really matters in life won’t be ignored. Whether you’re gathering with just your closest family members or you’re blessed with a large extended family and assorted friends, take the time to really appreciate and be thankful. I know I will.
One of the things that I’m grateful for is you. I want to give you a little gift for Thanksgiving.