Today’s Tip: Building Team
Last week, we talked about investing in yourself by maintaining your personal appearance at all times. This week, we’ll look into some business basics and why you need to invest in your business to create cash. The first investment you should make is TEAM. What kind of team you need to build is dependent on your answer to these questions. 1) What are you good at/love to do? 2) What can you do, but it takes up a lot of time in your business? 3) What do you hate to do or aren’t good at, but doing it is essential to your business? Your team should be comprised of people who do what takes up a lot of time for you and #3. Need help figuring out what team you need? Answer the questions above and share your results by reporting in on this thread on our forum.
Today’s Tip: Bookkeeping
If you don’t have any money to count yet, you don’t need a bookkeeper – but you will need some software to keep the numbers in line, see where your revenue is coming from, and have your ducks in a row come tax time. Quickbooks is a great solution. Accountants can download reports so, come tax time, it’s easy. If bookkeeping is one of the things you aren’t good at, look into a part-time service. How to you handle the backend of your business? Report in on this thread on our forum.
Today’s Tip: Contact Management
There are a number of free solutions for contact management you can use to keep tabs on your customers. But at a certain point, you will need some additional technology to keep up. Loral recommends Infusionsoft for CRM. It’s easy to manage contacts, email them, integrate with your shopping cart and have everything in one place. Echosign is a service for signing contract where you can get all of your agreements signed and stored electronically – cutting your paperwork time down significantly. What tools do you use for contact management? Report in on this thread on our forum.
Today’s Tip: Organization
One visit you should make is to an office supply store so you can get yourself organized. When you are starting, think in terms of utility. File boxes instead of filing cabinets, dry erase boards, folders to keep your projects organized – what you will need to pick up will depend on your business. Organize your work environment to support the way you work best and go make that money! Looking for organization tips? Report in on this thread on our forum.
Today’s Tip: Ongoing Education
In the end, it’s all about maintenance. In this case, maintaining your knowledge and making sure you are learning what you need to learn to create revenue. Ask your strategist about the 3 Days to Cash workshop. If you haven’t been, it’s indispensable in helping you set up your sales funnel, teaching you how to talk about your business, and how to sell (serve) anywhere and everywhere. Have questions about 3 Days to Cash? Ask us! Report in on this thread on our forum.
This weekend, look at your business to see where you need to invest in order to create the most revenue. Apply the daily tips above to make an impact on your bottom line. How will you use these tips to make a difference?
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