No matter what type of business you have, one of the issues that you have to face is marketing. For some, marketing seems to come easy, but for the masses, this is simply not the case. Marketing can be a real bear, and you rarely know what really works. This means that many companies out there today are spending countless thousands of dollars on marketing that isn’t doing anything for their business besides drain the coffers. What you need to do is find some simple and easy ways that you can market without needing to hire expensive marketers and without going crazy. Here are a few options that you should try.
Use Social Media for Online and Brick and Mortar Businesses
Everyone knows the terms social media and social networking today, from entrepreneurs such as you to kids who can’t even type yet. Social media is a powerhouse when it comes to connecting with people, and you can use this to market your business effectively. Engage with people on the social networks and get them talking and discussing things.
One of the keys whether you are promoting your website or marketing a local business is that you do not want to over promote. This can make people consciously choose to avoid your business. You will want to make sure that you are using your social networking sites wisely. Some promotion is fine, such as when you have a new product or a sale in your store. Just do not overdo it.
Use Affiliates to Drive Traffic to Your Site
Something that many companies are doing is starting to use affiliates more often to help drive traffic to their website. This tactic can work quite well with certain niches better than it can with others though. If you are going to go this route and choose affiliates, make sure that they know and can promote your niche just as well as you can.
Get Out Into the Community
This is going to be hugely effective if you have a brick and mortar store that you are trying to promote. When you are out and engaging with people in your own community, working at local events or charities, and connecting with people, you will find that it’s the perfect time for some subtle marketing.
For all the business owners and entrepreneurs out there, what are some of the most effective things you’ve done with your business marketing over the past couple of years?