Do you ever feel overwhelmed, like you have to do everything on your own?
Do you often wish there were more hours in the day?
Overloading yourself, attempting to manage your time versus managing yourself, is the opposite of living with Yes! Energy. You are close to the answer when you say to yourself, “I would like the power to duplicate myself.” By bringing on a team and assigning duties to them, you don’t duplicate yourself, but you do eliminate items from your To-Do list.
We asked the Live Out Loud community to tell us one way that having a team has enabled them to Do Less and Make More. The response was great, but one response really stood out. The response has been edited for spelling and grammar but the thought is untouched.
“With the right team, I accomplish more of what’s important. I have a much broader perspective I use to make informed choices for my business. This is the most important role a business owner performs. Yes, often, there is the feeling that there’s no time for it. I’m NO LONGER a bottle neck, slowing down the pace of all because I need to check everything. I’ve reduced by cost of doing business because I’m no longer, as the highest paid person, doing tasks a far less costly person could do. I’ve added value to my enterprise because I’ve elevated relevant team members to grow. I encourage loyalty and give rewards for ideas and performance that builds the enterprise. I’ve added value to my enterprise because I’m the least important person to daily operations and can enjoy my life. The company can respond faster to change or unexpected opportunities. I do only what NO ONE ELSE CAN DO: think, plan, envision, dream and nurture relationships. My stress level has declined because my day no longer revolves around emergencies, problems and interruptions. I get the benefit of insight and perspective from my team members that my own viewpoint might never see. Or, sometimes, I just don’t work at all.”
– Kudos to Andrea Feinberg, More Free Time Zone
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