You didn’t read this article title wrong. The other day, I went out for a drink and I brought my laptop. I was sitting at the bar playing around on Facebook when a gentleman walked up to me. “I noticed you are on Facebook and I wanted to ask you a question,” he said. “Sure!” I replied. “Well I have a lawn art business and I was wondering if it’s worth it for me to get on Facebook or any of those social media sites.”
Now freeze frame… what would you do here?
I can tell you what I would have done in the past. I probably would have given him all of the answers flat out, for free, and likely would have spent an hour or more giving him marketing advise. He would have then thanked me, walked away and would have profited from what I had to say. What that is called is selling yourself short, guys. And if it weren’t for me working with Loral, I would have done just that. Truth be told, I’ve done it over and over in the past. And I wondered why I was ALWAYS broke!
Loral always says, if you have something of value, charge for it. Don’t give yourself away for nothing. It’s one of the many concepts she teaches in her 3 Days 2 Cash Workshop. If you haven’t been to one of these, not only will you make new cash in three days, you will NEVER make the mistake of giving yourself away again.
So what do you think I did? I booked an hour-long consulting session and I got payment up front. $150 – just like that. Ladies and gentlemen, Loral teaches you how to do this. I went out for a drink. I made $150. Just like that.
Loral is going to show you how to do this tonight on her 3 Days 2 Cash teleseminar. Unless you don’t like making money, mark this one on your calendar. It will change the way you think about how easy it is to make cash – even if you are just going out for a drink.
I know I’ll be there.