In business and in life, we have all had the unpleasant experience of running into a “faker.” It seems the more successful you are and the more wealth you create for yourself, the more fakers come out of the woodworks. These fakers aren’t always easy to spot. In fact, some of them are downright charming, charismatic and lovable. Knowing how to spot these knights in corroded armor can save you a lot of pain, in the wallet and in the heart.
Portrait of a Faker
Not “The Duck”: If you have ever heard the expression “be the duck,” that is someone who is calm on the exterior but, under the water, they are paddling like crazy to get where they need to go. The faker isn’t the duck. The faker is a buoy, just bobbing around at ease until they can leave and proceed to miss deadlines or break promises.
A Worry Wart: Fakers are anxious about everything: what people think of them, how the deal is progressing or how its not. They are your classic worry-warts of the world who worry incessantly, but don’t work toward solutions.
Quid Pro Quo: The arrogant person believes that the world revolves around them and any kindness MUST be appreciated ten-fold. In the world of fakers, kindness is not natural. It’s a means to an end.
No Accountability: Have you ever encountered a person who blames everyone but themselves? Nothing is their fault and if they are called on the carpet, they ignore, deflect and blame until they have successfully assigned the blame to someone else. This is a classic faker move.
Refuses to Compromise: Fakers usually don’t work very well in groups. That’s probably because they detest compromise. “My way or the highway” is the mentality most fakers have and they employ that mentality with ferocity. Forget trying to compromise with a faker. You will hit a brick wall every time.
Control Freak: Fakers are classic micro-managers. They want to control every aspect of a situation, or person, to assure it’s the way they want it, regardless of how it affects the organization or the people within it.
Unsure about Everything: Ask someone who is putting up a façade to make a decision and you may be waiting awhile. Fakers change their minds often and display great difficulty sticking to plans. Not only is this work style frustrating, it’s a clear mark that someone is unsure about what they are doing.
Just Plain Mean: When in doubt, fakers lash out. All of this anxiety, arrogance and insecurity manifests itself as anger. This results in cutting and cruel comments and other unprofessional and uncivil behaviors.
Fakers aren’t bad people. They are just carrying around and covering up a core of “empty.” Putting a system of values in place for yourself and building a team of solid people around you is a vital step in preserving your Yes! Energy. This gives you the infinite ability to move forward in a positive way everyday.
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