⇒⇒ Internal LOL Voice Blast & Mass Text Message Training
Hi! If you’re here, it’s because you want to get trained on our mass voice & text messaging procedures…you’re in the right place 🙂
Below, I’ll walk you through the processes I use to send these messages through Voice Shot – trust me, it’s much easier than it seems once you get the hang of it. As with anything else, you will get much more training from Voice Shot by actually using it and snooping around in it.
If you have any questions, contact me at Juan@liveoutloud.com.
- > To send out a voice blast or mass text message, go to: https://secure.voiceshot.com/slogin/sitelogin.asp
- The username is: liveoutloud
- Password: 195$$$LOL
- > Once you log in, you will see options to view past message campaigns, upload contact lists you have pulled from Infusionsoft, send new voice blasts, send new text messages – the whole shebang.
- > If someone asks you to schedule a voice blast or text message, ask them: What list they want to send to, what copy they want sent, what lists you should exclude, & when they want the message sent – your job is to send the message through our system, their job is to give you all of the information you need to send it out to the appropriate people.
- > If you need help pulling big lists (such as a master contact list for ALL Live Out Loud contacts, or a master LBT list), ask Jeff for help. He’s a database king.
- > ALWAYS give Donna (or the person who is manning the main Live Out Loud office phone) a heads up that you are sending out a voice blast, and what it is saying. The number the voice blast comes from is Donna’s number, so if people call her back, she needs to know what the message is in reference to and how she can best help people.
- > Here is an example of a past voice blast script I have given Loral to record. Make it as easy as possible for her & it will make your job a whole lot easier.
- > Event reminders
- > Holiday promotions
- > Event updates
- > Post-event reminders
- > Webinar reminders
This messaging system should not be used for inbound marketing. It should only be used for event reminders or updates. If we try to mass market to people directly through texts or voice blasts, our account will be shut down.
To make this easier on you, I created a series of 3 videos that walks you through the entire process of sending out a voice blast & a mass text message.
> Sending Out A Voice Blast Video 1 – https://screencast.com/t/fKvio7uY
> Sending Out A Voice Blast Video 2 – https://screencast.com/t/lVMamncrBcv
> Sending Out A Mass Text Video 1 – https://screencast.com/t/SQ5Hjno3AL
Or, you can walk through it step by step, with these instructions below.
- Step 1: After you log in to Voice Shot, hover the “Campaign” button on the top left, hover over “New,” and select “Outbound Phone Calls“
- Step 2: Enter your Campaign Name (this is internal, so name it whatever you want).
- Under “Campaign Type,” select “Live Answer.”
- Under “Redials of Unsuccessful Calls,” select “0”
- Under “Landlines and cell phones,” select “Call all numbers”
- Under “Select you caller ID,” select “4154756033”
- Step 3: Hit “Save.”
- Step 4: You should make it to this page below only after Loral has recorded her audio. Give her a script & give her the call-in info on a sheet of paper. She is familiar with this process, you just need to give her the information she needs to record.
- Please keep in mind that in the message she records, she needs to identify herself clearly and give a phone number for people to call if they have any questions. The system will not allow her message to go through if she does not have these two items.
- Step 5: After she’s recorded the audio file, select Next and choose the appropriate audio file.
- Step 6: Send yourself a Test voice blast, just so you’re sure it’s the message you want sent out.
- Step 7: Select the time you want this voice blast to go out. Keep in mind that the system operates on PST.
- If you are sending to a big list, give yourself a big enough window so that the message can go all the way through in that allotted time.
- Step 8: Select your call list.
- If you are uploading a new list, select Upload & then upload a list from your computer that ONLY has phone numbers in it and is in .XLS format.
- If you are sending to an already saved list, you can search through the lists that are already there and see if it’s the one you’re targeting.
- Step 9: After your appropriate list is selected, hit Next.
- Step 10: You’ll be given a chance to review the voice blast, when it’s scheduled to be sent out, and to what list. Check off all of the boxes if it all looks good, and select “Begin Campaign.” Boom, you’re done!
- Step 1: After you log in to Voice Shot, hover the “Campaign” button on the top left, hover over “New,” and select “Text Messaging“
- Step 2: Enter your Campaign Name (this is internal, so name it whatever you want).
- Step 3: Hit “Save.”
- Step 4: Enter your text on this page. In the “Sender” box, start the message. Continue it in the “Message” box.
- Please keep in mind that in the message, you need to identify Loral clearly and don’t mention anything specific about “money” or “cash” or “get-rich-quick” type of messaging. The system will not allow her message to go through if these two items aren’t fulfilled.
- Also, keep in mind that this message needs to be less than 160 characters. Be brief, be concise & get to the point.
- Step 5: After your message is set, select Next and send yourself a Test message, just so you’re sure it’s the exact message you want sent out.
- Step 7: Select the time you want this message blast to go out. Keep in mind that the system operates on PST.
- If you are sending to a big list, give yourself a big enough window so that the message can go all the way through in that allotted time.
- Step 8: Select your text message list.
- If you are uploading a new list, select Upload & then upload a list from your computer that ONLY has phone numbers in it and is in .XLS format.
- If you are sending to an already saved list, you can search through the lists that are already there and see if it’s the one you’re targeting.
- Step 9: After your appropriate list is selected, hit Next.
- Step 10: You’ll be given a chance to review the mass text message, when it’s scheduled to be sent out, and to what list. Check off all of the boxes if it all looks good, and select “Begin Campaign.” Boom, you’re done!