It’s a powder day today and I’m out skiing. What are you doing? Even if its not snowing fluffy white stuff where you are, you need to take some time out today, this week, whenever to really invest in yourself and PLAY. That is what success is all about! Finding your bliss is a small part of investing in yourself. Investing in your business is second nature. You build up your infrastructure, you invest in your team, you create new products and services. But are you doing what it takes to invest in the leader who is providing the vision for all of that?
Break up your self investment. You don’t have to spend all day on you. Spend an hour and get a massage. Spend two hours and have a long lunch with a friend. Spend three in the morning and go on a bike ride, a long walk or (like me) hit the slopes if you live in a snowy place. Just go go go and have fun fun fun. Then, you can make it back to your meetings, conference calls, work stuff and be completely recharged and ready to tackle your day.
So how are you investing in yourself this week? Make it good. Make me jealous.