We are back from the holiday and are excited to help you get results and achieve success in 2012! In the coming days, Loral will be posting for five days straight about how you can junk the old ideas of setting “new year’s resolutions” and shift your thinking toward creating commitments and achieving results.
Think about it, how many new year’s resolutions have you actually kept?
Starting tomorrow, you’ll be given tools you need to shift your intentions, realign your self-talk and create commitments you can honor.
Tomorrow, you’ll say goodbye to “new year’s resolutions” forever!
Excited? I am!
Here are a few commitments that were made by your fellow Live Out Loud community members to get you pumped up!
“Lose 20 lbs., eat healthy, double my income, and have harmonious relationships with people I work with.” – Arabella
“Establishing a thriving business with $100,000 in income in the first year. I am an information services provider. I provide information to consultants and companies who need information to make better decisions and grow their business. While I am trying to do a lot of marketing, and speaking with coaches in my industry, it’s always slow getting started. I was busy in Oct/Nov and just did marketing in November. Focusing on small consulting firms so I’ll have repeat business.” – Rebecca
“My mantra for 2012 is, “Embrace the infinite possibilities” so my commitment is to grow my business to $10,000 per month.” – Evelyn
“My commitment is to stay Focused and Fired up about my Dreams and goals daily. I am committed to earning 100K in 2012. I am earning at least 60K with my Annuity and life business and 40K with my networking business. I am committed to setting up an LLC and learning to pay attention to numbers and surrounding myself with the right people.” – Joe
“Increase net worth by $25,000.”- Joel