Labor Day, its origin initiated on the threshold of an industrial revolution, restructured work conditions and lifestyles. The typical American in the late 1800’s worked exhausting hours, 12-hour days / 7 days a week. Most disheartening, employers engaged in outrageous practices by hiring children; a negligent and self-seeking action derived for the purpose of cheap labor.
Over time there was an uprising of self-recognition, honoring one’s value. Labor unions became a major component to this transition, the voice that spoke and acted for the survival of Americans, an achievement in a movement of valuing one’s worth.
Labor Day is an example of how creating momentum to change and freedom is the impetus to living a self-directed lifestyle. No one person’s lifestyle should be defined by external conditions or factors, goals and ambitions.
Each one of us can make a conscious choice based on our internal motivational needs. In today’s times we can choose to work at a traditional job, 40 hour work week and work exceedingly long hours for an employer; or, we can opt a more defined pathway to earning income, create our own Cash Machine to self-achievement, distinctly driven by our own self-employed motivational characteristics: Vision, Purpose, Mission and Passion. That direction is the driving force to our clear intention, stimulating our motivational needs of how we will achieve our own personal aspirations.
Yes, we exponentially have gained from history’s change. The adherence to ground-breaking attitudes and actions rather than conform to the masses; ultimately is the maverick leadership that has created this great country.
Our country is a great melting pot of ambitious, aspiring individuals inspired by self-respecting values to be our best. In recognition of Labor Day, we can pay homage to freedom, based on our own choices.