For the last couple months we’ve been talking a lot about getting in gear with new goals. For many, this is the time of year when those good intentions start losing steam.
Are you finding that your resolutions are overcome by old defeating patterns?
Ask yourself whether you’re WORKING on your goals or just WISHING they will happen.
All too often I see people with a great talk but no walk. Those people are stuck. If you’re stuck in the wishing mode, others are in control of your destiny and your financial future. If you don’t create a wealth plan, no one else is going to do it for you. So take the time to define what you want — and set your Financial Freedom day!
Remember that wealth is the result of a well-planned goal, not the goal itself. The plan is the “how you get there”. Keep things in perspective.
Some of you may not know where to start or what your goal should be. Don’t worry too much about that. If you find yourself in this boat, you need to start talking to your supportive friends and family, or join a discussion forum. Many times there’s a goal that needs to be dusted off, re-examined and put into perspective. Having a support system is imperative to getting your goals defined and put into action.
If you’re struggling with creating a plan to launch your goals into reality, you’re not alone. Having family and friends supporting your efforts is wonderful, however if you’re really serious about changing the patterns that got you stuck in the financial muck in the first place, you’ve got to take real action.
Make a list of action steps for each and every day. Put them somewhere visible. Cross them off when each one is completed. Tell your friends and family what you’re up to and create a personal and professional sense of accountability.
If you’re wishing for wealth instead of creating a plan to achieve it, now is the time to start investing in yourself. Join us at Live Out Loud and take advantage of what we have to offer, particularly our free webinars. Get your hands on books and audios that will inspire and educate you (visit the LiveOutLoud Store). Stop relying on the “park and pray” method. Since you’re reading this right now… you already know wishing doesn’t work.
So the real question is, are you just wishing in one hand or are you setting your goals, creating a plan, and putting it into action?
Each time you complete a task (no matter how small) you get closer to your Financial Freedom Day. If you’re at a stand still don’t go backwards, pull through it by engaging in continuous learning, brainstorming, and creating action in your life. Just thinking about your future isn’t the same as planning it.
If your goal is to become more financially literate, start your day by reading the money section of your favorite newspaper or website. If you’re on the road to creating a Cash Machine, learn all you can on how to make it work.
If you’re stuck or you find yourself falling back into old patterns, make an appointment today to talk one on one with one of my Action Strategists and get things in perspective. Call 888-262-2402 today.
Ready GO!
P.S. Leave your comments, suggestions and questions below…