What are the signs that you need a marketing makeover?
When you hit a hurdle or have a problem, you need to recognize the problem and realize that it’s being delivered to you as a sign to pay attention. More times than not, when it comes to business, problems are a result of ineffective marketing.
Marketing is the process used to determine what products or services may be of interest to customers and the strategy to use in sales, communications and business development. – Wikipedia
I’m sure you’re aware of how marketing is of extreme important to a business. So, I want to talk with you about that today. I’ve been thinking about this since I read Inc.com’s article last week titled, 7 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Up.
Let’s take a deeper look at the need for a marketing makeover.
Marketing is not just about getting the word out about whom you are and what you do. It’s also about strengthening your position within the market. There’s a twofold reason for using it. So you need a strategy that can hit the mark on both fronts.
A marketing makeover doesn’t mean you start from scratch. You’re just freshening it up, making it timelier and getting it to stand out – again.
You Might Need a Marketing Makeover If…
You’ve lost focus
Where do you see your business in five years? If you can’t answer that succinctly, it shows that your business has jumped tracks. Clarify your path. If you don’t, your business will stagnate. Re-evaluate your goals and get back on track. You need a marketing makeover.
Your target market went the other way
Analyze your data. Why might your sales be in decline? Have you lost customers? Are visitors passing you by? What could be wrong? Is what you’re offering dated, rehashed, out of sync? If not, are your marketing strategies dated, rehashed or out of sync? It’s most likely one or the other. Keep current with where your market is hanging out and what interests them now. You need a marketing makeover.
Your marketing isn’t diversified
If you’re just using one or two marketing channels, you should think about diversifying more. If you’ve been advertising on Google but not on Facebook, why not employ a test campaign to extend your reach? If you’re using direct mail (or email) only, try PPC or traditional print advertising as well. Adjust your marketing based on what your customers want and where they are. You need a marketing makeover.
Growth evades you
If you’re making the same money this year as you did last year, it’s indicative that you need to change things up. Your competitors may swallow you up if you don’t get with it and start making innovative changes. You need a marketing makeover.
Your network is shrinking
Growing a business is about networking — finding others with common business interests and forming partnerships. Join associations, clubs, or forums and social business networks and participate fully, not just to meet your needs. You need a marketing makeover.
You’re bored
If you’re bored so is your customer base. Inject new life into your business with a new marketing campaign. You need a marketing makeover.
Getting Unstuck
Growing your business and succeeding beyond your wildest dreams is what I want for you. In fact, my upcoming book release, “Yes! Energy (The Equation to Do Less, Make More)” is all about creating abundance and success in all areas of your life and business. (Check it out here.)