For Immediate Release
LAS VEGAS, NV – October 11, 2011 – Loral Langemeier, today’s pioneering money experts as well as Founder and CEO of Live Out Loud, Inc is coming to Las Vegas on October 28, 2011, to share how to create a livelihood sustainable in any economy. The event entitled, The Power of Yes, will be held at the Rio Hotel and Casino located at 3700 W Flamingo Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89103. The event is free of charge and will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Power of Yes event will also feature Geoff Zimpfer Director of Business Development with Infusionsoft.
“If you want to know how to add thousands of dollars to your bottom line on a consistent basis, come to this event,” said Langemeier. When asked why she wanted to bring this event to Las Vegas Langemeier said, “Given the rate of unemployment and the overall economic downturn, never has the need to create an entrepreneurial economy in Las Vegas been more apparent. We have the answers you need and we want to help you make massive leaps forward…particularly in this economy.”
The Power of Yes event will reveal how entrepreneurs stay one-step-ahead of the competition and what strategies they use to make money. Langemeier will reveal how her own personal energy has allowed her to achieve success and how people already have the tools needed to do the same. She will share with you a new conversation in which “yes!” is the only answer necessary for success.
Langemeier is author the of four national bestselling books; The Millionaire Maker, The Millionaire Maker’s Guide to Wealth Cycle Investing and The Millionaire Maker’s Guide to Creating a Cash Machine for Life and Put More Cash In Your Pocket. Live Out Loud, Inc is a multimillion dollar international enterprise that provides educational and networking opportunities to people all over the world. Live Out Loud, Inc offers a wide range of products, events and coaching services with proven success in creating hundreds of millionaires. For more information on The Power of Yes event, please visit: