Patty Connolly’s success story that brings her back to Loral Langemeier’s Big Table (3 times)
Patty Connolly is a Harvard MBA who attended 3 times Loral’s Big Table coaching session. Here are some of her words:
“The first time we came our intention was to build our family business. I was working really hard in New York City and never seeing my family, so my husband and I said: we need to do something different… we made that happen”.
“I’m as a Harvard MBA I learned how to be the CEO of a big company, but not CEO of my smaller business”.
“About my children and their education … I would like them to go in with the concept of an entrepreneurial mindset… so in order for me to pay for the college education they must attend the big table first, so I just finished up with my daughter and she has this great little business and makes a pizza money and as I’m working more closely with her perhaps even tuition money”.