Welcome back to the weekly market awareness broadcast with Loral and the Integrated Wealth Systems team. We are continuing our conversation about changing your conversation about money – going from mainstreamed math to millionaire-making math as you go toward your success in 2021.
In this episode, Loral shares about passive language and taking action. She talks about what you need to be doing to have a revenue-producing day. Then she wraps up the episode talking about passive language and ways to change your passive language patterns so you can take actions and get the results you desire.
“Drive your day instead of reacting to your day.” -Loral Langemeier Click To TweetShow Notes:
- [01:17] The topic for today’s episode is passive language.
- [02:10] Your big commitment for the year is critical. You need to get your businesses to make money so you can go and invest in new assets.
- [04:11] The way you are going to get your goal is to get nonnegotiable with yourself. We are going to look at your action (what you are doing all day) and your action is supported by your language and thinking.
- [04:33] Your result is supported by your action. Your action is supported by your language. Your language is supported by the way you think.
- [05:12] We have to teach you how to make money, so we are only going to talk about action and language.
- [06:19] What should you be doing all day? You need to put a lot of structure in place if you are working from home.
- [07:03] The first person you need to hire is home help so you can focus on your business. The second is your setter or assistant that is setting appointments and doing scheduling for you.
- [07:50] Do not wake up and react to everybody’s request for your time. Get up and have your yes energy day. You drive your day.
- [09:30] Driving your day is where am I going to go get my leads and where am I going to do at least two sales.
- [10:00] Get leads, get your sales, and do your ask, tell, asks. Those have to be carved in your day and throughout the week you have to have your fulfillment time.
- [10:39] Map out your revenue-producing day. You need to be making money every day.
- [11:32] Your language can support your action faster than changing your thinking.
- [12:32] Often your why isn’t big enough and your commitment isn’t strong enough so you use passive language.
- [13:20] Commitment this year to never using the word “if.” If means there are circumstances and excuses that can come in.
- [14:15] The past is the past. Move forward accordingly.
- [14:44] You need to be selling brief snippets of education. You need a small cost item that you can constantly sell.
- [16:33] Then get your small cost item out there on the internet.
- [17:19] Loral shares many passive language patterns.
- [20:07] Sometimes we need to reschedule or postpone our commitment, but we can’t blow off everything. Be mindful of the agenda of a call, the outcome, and the next step.
- [20:37] It will change your entire life when you start making and keeping very specific commitments or purposely rescheduling.
- [22:14] It is all about marketing sales and generating cash flow.
- [23:17] The first step is recognizing that you are using passive language. Then you can do the pattern interrupt and change your behavior.
- [25:19] Money is everywhere right now but you need the right team and the right plan to get that kind of capital.
- [26:49] There is an upcoming cryptocurrency education that covers all the basics including how to get started.
- [27:51] Go through a revenue-producing day and line it out and be rigorous holding yourself to it.
- [29:00] Don’t start with buffer or excuse language. Start with an introduction, what you do, and how you can help them.
“Money is everywhere right now but you need the right team and the right plan to get that kind of capital.” -Loral Langemeier Click To Tweet
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