Entrepreneurs and business owners often talk about setting goals, accomplishing what’s important, and finding balance in life. Business and life strategist Gary Coxe is here to talk about how time balance isn’t always possible but what is possible is finding goals that are in balance with your beliefs and values.
Gary coaches clients to break through their self-imposed limitations. He has been seen on shows like The View, Dr. Phil, and more. We had an interesting discussion about how we need to believe our goals and how if we don’t believe them, we can’t feel them. He also explains why it’s so important to clear out past trauma so those feelings don’t continue to resurface.
You can find Gary here:
Show Notes:
[01:33] When Gary was 15, the second business he started was doing over $100,000 a year.
- [01:56] He then got married, and his wife told him that the baby she just had was not his. Then his grandfather and step father die of cancer. His uncle was killed in a plane crash. His father was shot and died. He had gone through a huge series of losses by the time he was 21 years old.
- [02:42] If we learn how to clean the negatives from our past out, we create emotional freedom. Then we are able to be a lot more successful.
- [03:18] To be more successful, we have to take on more risk. There comes side effects and challenges with that risk.
- [04:07] We have to take risks to get better. When we fail while taking that risk, we relive all of the emotional pain from the past.
- [04:14] We don’t want to feel that pain when taking our business or finances to the next level.
- [05:06] Knowing what you need to do but not doing it is often a sign that you have things stuck at your emotional hard drive.
- [05:26] We all create different stories. We need to be aware of our stories and mental processes.
- [07:23] Ask how you reward the behaviors that are not working towards your success.
- [08:37] We have to have leverage to make change. Value and belief are to make change.
- [10:00] For every belief we act on, we get a result. We need to be able to identify or limiting beliefs.
- [10:40] We need to go from a limiting belief to an empowering belief. Find strategies to believe your belief.
- [12:15] Be a leader of your feelings, not a slave to your feelings.
- [13:03] You know a belief is empowering if when you say it you feel it.
- [13:41] When you find a strategy to make the feelings match the words, change will happen.
- [14:09] Feeling connectivity. Learn to understand how you can make a feeling match a belief. This creates emotional freedom.
- [15:41] When my feelings are not in harmony with my goals, ignore my feelings.
- [16:21] We either ignore or reward our feelings. If our feelings aren’t congruent with our goals we need to ignore them.
- [18:25] Write down your goals, because how you feel about them is a powerful measuring chart.
- [19:19] You can’t balance time. Write down your goals everyday. You can have a balancing of values and beliefs.