Thought of the day: With all of the marketing crap out there today (yes, there’s a TON of crap that exists), keep in mind that you’re lucky if someone who views your marketing items takes away three things from your message.
3. That’s it.
Think about it: How many Facebook posts, Facebook ads, retargeting ads, emails, texts, sponsored Tweets, billboards, fliers, direct mail pieces, radio spots, video posts, magazine ads, etc., etc., etc., do you lay eyes on every day?
Probably hundreds.
& how much information do you retain from those messages?
Probably less than 1% out of all of them.
& not because you’re not interested, but because they don’t merit your attention and retention. They don’t do a well enough job in capturing your focus.
The sad truth is, you’re extremely lucky if people take away 3 things from your marketing message.
So…knowing that you can likely only fit 3 things into your prospect’s mind about your business/product/service – what 3 things would you have them take away?
Really, makes your prioritize & clarify your marketing message, huh?