Can Social Media Network Marketing really help me?
If you haven’t caught wind by now of the Internet’s newest big thing you must’ve been off the planet for a while. In a world of what’s hot and what’s not, the Social Media boom is smokin’! Websites like MySpace and FaceBook successfully reached global recognition seemingly overnight! There are dozens more racing in that same direction. As far as Internet trends are concerned if you have a Cash Machine you need to take notice!
Standing in line I heard two young girls chatting away. One says to the other, “It’s like I’m tethered to MySpace… I check it all the time, I can’t go a day with out it!” It got me thinking of the power behind social networking communities. Are they really that addictive? The answer is without a doubt – yes. The exchange of information both professional and personal has its fixating affects on people from all walks of life. Imagine what that could mean for you and your Cash Machine.
Now I’m not suggesting you run right out and create a profile on MySpace (unless of course your target market is 18 to 25 year olds). What I am suggesting is to take a deeper look into these types of communities. There’s much more to Social Media Marketing than individual profiles with glittery flash and endless play lists of music. Don’t let the MySpace or FaceBook names fool you… they’re just the Kleenex of the tissue market, if you will.
With the economy in its current condition being creative with advertising dollars is as important as staying current with marketing trends. This (not so) new trend will prove to be a saving grace with little to no advertising budgets. Businesses of all sizes are jumping on this wave and riding it all the way to the bank. Membership communities connect like-minded people together. It provides information and learning on a whole new level.
Recently after much research and deliberation I’ve come to the conclusion that we, here at Live Out Loud, need a way to connect with each other… a community of our own. So with out further ado, I am happy to announce the launch of the Live Out Loud Community slated for November 17, 2008. I look forward to seeing you all there.
Members will have an opportunity to interact with each other and create relationships that will provide support in every stage of wealth building and entrepreneurial endeavors. You’ll connect with mentors, get inside information on marketing strategies, create specialized groups for similar cash machines, compare game plans and so much more… all in one spot!
Keep checking the Webinar section of the website… Our last Webinar detailing the new Community was a phenomenal success! If you missed the last one don’t miss the next one.
Remember Wealth Builders… staying current with new marketing trends is key to gaining new clients. Always have your opportunity radar on full alert!
Ready GO!
P.S. Let me know your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions below by posting a message. I’m looking forward to hearing from you…