New York Bestsellers
Millionaire Maker Book
There are only two things millionaires have that you don’t: wealth and the knowledge to build wealth. But that’s all about to change. Thanks to “Millionaire Maker” Loral Langemeier, you can develop the same financial intelligence that millionaires use to create, grow, and sustain their fortunes.
Regardless of your income—and in as little as one year—the exclusive wealth-building method in The Millionaire Maker can have you generating enough money to:
– Quit your job and start doing the things you love
– Control and then eliminate your debt no matter how much you owe
– Live your life on your schedule—instead of your employer’s
Wealth Cycle Investing Book
RIDE THE WEALTH CYCLE with stronger investments, stable assets, and sure-and steady cash flow—for life. You don’t need tons of money. You don’t need special insider knowledge. All you need is The Millionaire Maker’s Guide to Wealth Cycle Investing.
Put More Cash In Your Pocket Book
Turn your skills, hobbies, and chores that are part of your everyday life into a “21st Century Lemonade Stand”-a money-making business that requires no business plan, no capital, no investment-just your creativity and the willingness to ask for the cash.
Yes Energy Book
The strongest energy always wins – that’s the key to moving from your current situation into the life you’ve always wanted. Yes! Energy presents the power of the “Energy Equation,” which you can employ to attract abundance to all areas of your life.
Home Study Courses
Integrated Wealth Academy
Wherever you are right now financially – from deep debt to high 6-figures – the Integrated Wealth Academy is where Loral and her Team of Experts meet YOU exactly where you are and put you on a track to millionaire status in 3-5 years!
Building Your Wealth Cycles
You’ll create your money rules, discover how to evaluate deals and opportunities, as well as structure yourself to keep more of the money you make both in your business and investments.
This is a 6-step program that will give you proven strategies to help you:
Step 1 – Improve Your Conditioning: If you want to tap into a Wealth Technology that makes you more financially intelligent and literate, you’ll be glad to know that it is well within your reach.
Step 2 – Identify Your Financial Baseline: Your financial baseline is a reflection of your past financial awareness. Whatever conditioning has brought you to this very moment in your life – financially – has created your financial results.
Step 3 – Clarify Your Financial Freedom Day: The most informed decisions can only occur when you understand the gap; otherwise you may be making emotional short term decisions. The gap exists between where you are now (your financial baseline) and where you want to go (your financial freedom day).
Step 4 – Manage Your Lifestyle Cycle: Using income to create assets is called a “wealth cycle,” which is defined in the next lesson.
Step 5 – Build A Wealth Cycle Foundation: Begin putting together what you’ve learned to build your Wealth Cycle with a strong foundation.
Step 6 – Learn The Steps To Wealth Acceleration: Revealing the “secrets to success” that the truly wealthy use to stay on top. This section is a step-by-step tactical actionable plan to Building your Wealth Cycles and accelerate them.
Building, Leading, Protecting Your Team
Loral will literally walk you step-by-step through a plan to generate revenue IMMEDIATELY. This digital program is designed to carry you through the earliest levels of your business all the way past the 7 figure level.
Discover the 7-step process that will accelerate your business and position it as an asset in your wealth building plan.
Step 1 – State Your Vision – Your vision is a picture of your preferred future state and forms the foundation for your commitment to your business.
Step 2 – Identify Business Strategies and Tactic – Once you know where you are going, you need to know how you’re going to get there. These are your business strategies and tactics
Step 3 – Create a Revenue Model – Revenue drives your business. All your strategies must be tied to your revenue model. This is what distinguishes a business from a hobby. You either make a profit, or you lose your business.
Step 4 – Protect Your Business Assets – Financial, tax, and legal protection of your business and its assets is accomplished through entity structuring. The goal of proper asset protection is to minimize your risk and to grow and sustain your asset base.
Step 5 – Market Your Business – Marketing is critical, and for many entrepreneurs it is the last thing they want to be doing. It is done randomly, irregularly, or not at all. To be effective, marketing needs to be a system that is highly focused on a very specific market identified by your vision.
Step 6 – Sales – You can bring prospects to your door with great marketing, but can you sell them your product or service? Sales is both a strategy and a tactic that requires an allocation of resources, energy and time.
Step 7 – Leadership – You are the leader of your business and it is your job to inspire and motivate your team as you help them maintain daily focus on your vision. Whether your team consists of just you or several hundred, you must see the future while designing and orchestrating what happens today.
Expression Of Your Power
This is a powerful online digital program co-created by International Wealth Expert, Loral Langemeier and her mentor, Bob Proctor. It walks you through the gifts, talents, skills, and abilities that all of us take for granted.
Here’s what you’ll get in short but powerful exercise module:
A 30-minute training audio where Loral and Bob walk you step by step through a powerful process we call the “Capacity Wheel”. You’ll learn how to define your current capacity and ways to infinitely expand it in 5 key areas of your life, starting with your finances. You’ll receive instant access through our private members areas plus an audio version that you can easily download to your computer or mobile device to listen on-the-go and anytime.
A PDF action guide that you can download and print out. Use this to take notes and follow along during the training audio. This will become an essential tool to help you conceive, record, and say YES to infinite possibilities until they are expressed in material results.
Doing What It Takes To Make Money
In this no-holds-barred interview with multi-millionaire Loral Langemeier and Master Trainer Mark Nichols, we’ll show you exactly what it takes for you to shift your mindset and behaviors so that you can make new money – FAST!
Here’s What is Covered In The Interview
The inside scoop on the mindset of the wealthy – and how you can start thinking like them!
Why rearranging your debt will never solve your money problems – and what you need to do instead!
The reason why it’s essential to get out of the “Baby Bird” mentality – and how to do it!y
Why “spending less than you make” is a bad money plan – and how you can change this useless formula! PLUS SOOOO much more!
Millionaire Maker Game
The Millionaire Maker Game, a new educational board game designed to expand the financial minds of Americans everywhere when it comes building a life of financial freedom. This game delivers an interactive experience where players are cast into the life of an entrepreneur where big deals are made daily.
Yes Energy Roadmap
The strongest energy always wins – that’s the key to moving from your current situation into the life you’ve always wanted. Yes! Energy presents the power of the “Energy Equation,” which you can employ to attract abundance to all areas of your life.
This course will…
Learn the definition of Yes! Energy and where you have it or don’t have it in your life right now.
Learn How your previous behavior patterns have helped get you where you are now, but do not determine your future.
Provide You with All the Tools and Resources You’ll Need to Take Action Today So You Won’t Have to Postpone Creating Generational Wealth for Another Day
It’s a fact: 99% of crowdfunding campaigns fail. Why? Because they launch without clear direction… without a Compass or a MAP.
The Shark Crowdfunding Survival Kit is your first step to building a successful campaign. This Survival Kit guides you through the 7 essentials you must have in place before you launch.
Shark Crowdfunding Success
BUILD YOUR CROWD – Start growing your supporters well in advance of campaign launch. Crowdfunding is not just about getting funded; it’s about building an engaged customer and fan base so invest quality time in building this network.
SET REALISTIC FUNDING GOAL – Set your goal at the minimum amount with which you can execute and outline extra product features as “stretch goals.” Often setting a lower goal raises more money than a higher one as backers exceed the target.
SET SHORT CAMPAIGN TIMEFRAME – It may seem counter-intuitive to limit your fundraising time to 30 days instead of 60, but it’s harder to build urgency with longer campaigns, and you will risk backer burn-out.
AVOID BURDENSOME REWARDS – Devise rewards that aren’t too costly or time consuming to fulfill. Instead, invite backers to join in on something you are already doing so fulfilling those rewards don’t take you away from running your business.
PLAN FOR SUCCESS – Know how you will quickly scale if your campaign takes off – where will you manufacture, store, and ship your products? How will you manage communication with hundreds or maybe even thousands of eager backers?
So Much More…!
Teach Your Kids The Value Of Money
This product will walk you through how to change the conversation in your household about how to make money. Also, use these helpful templates below (as referenced in our video) or modify them as appropriate for your family and your conversations.
Never pay your kids an allowance…
Work together with your child to create a list of ten tasks that he/she could complete in or around the house.
After you’ve selected the tasks, work together to decide how to rank the tasks from the most important to the least important.
Once you have narrowed down the five most important tasks, begin conversation about the value of each task based on its importance, difficulty level, or investment of time.
Off Wall Street Assets
Off Wall Street Assets is Live Out Loud’s exciting new program that is dedicated to teaching members of the Live Out Loud community the secrets behind alternative investing. Hosted by Loral Langemeier, Tom Powell and Live Out Loud’s A-List Assets Team, this program will continuously grow over time!
What to expect from this course…
How To Effectively Invest In Alternative Investments. (Taught over a six week course)
Monthly Recorded Asset Online Laser Calls With Loral And Her Investing Partner, Tom Powell
Monthly ASSET Articles From Live Out Loud’s A- List ASSET Team. These are A-Listers & Special Guests Teaching You!
Multiple Strategy, Investing, Franchising and Equity Opportunities that inlcude but not limited to:
Tax Strategy, Entity Structuring, Gas & Oil Investment, IRA & RRSP, Franchising, Private Equity Opportunities, Debt Instruments, Real Estate Investing, Insurance Protection.
A Dedicated Asset Strategist To Guide You Through Each Process
Access To Registered Investment Advisors And Broker Dealers
This is not an offering or the solicitation of an offer to purchase an interest in any investment vehicle. Any such offer or solicitation will only be made to qualified investors by means of an offering memorandum and only in those jurisdictions where permitted by law. The target returns set forth within all offerings may not be realized; actual results may differ materially from the stated goals. Prior to investing, investors must receive a prospectus, which contains important information regarding the investment objectives, risks, fees, and expenses of any funds and/or other investment opportunities. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. All investments involve risk, including the loss of principal.