It is with full transparency and a heavy heart that I need to share some very sad and disappointing news, as I want you to hear it from me first.
My team at Live Out Loud and I are stunned to discover irregularities and violations of Strongbrook’s and Ken Course’s contracts.
I want to pre-empt any attempt at gossip, misinterpretation of the events, and rumors.
My attorneys have formally addressed the issues in the Complaints below. We are taking aggressive legal action to protect our intellectual property and my life’s work, as well as the members of my community who dedicated their time and reputation towards the growth of this initiative.
In most serious threat are the intellectual properties and all trademarked coaching programs and products I have spent over 20 years developing. These are the very programs that many of you have participated in, and experienced tremendous personal and business success, including workshops such as Make New Money, 3 Days 2 Cash, The Big Table, and other coaching systems.
For those of you who followed my lead towards this initiative, my team and I will give our best effort to help you receive a refund from Strongbrook; however, it is your choice to proceed with Strongbrook, or cancel your membership. Please call Strongbrook directly to cancel.
I am confident this matter will be resolved in a timely manner. To read the Complaints filed, click the links below:
View Complaint 1 Here (Strongbrook)
Loral Langemeier