When SheKnows.com wants to know how to teach kids about money, they ask Loral!
Here’s an excerpt…
“Between the ages of two and four is the best time to start teaching kids about money,” says Loral Langemeier, author of four bestselling books with her fifth highly-anticipated book, Yes! Energy: The Equation To Do Less Make More, available in bookstores in February 2012. “Do not postpone this conversation. Equally important is to watch your own conversation around your children, as they will model their behavior after you. What you expose them to is how they will be programmed to feel about money.”
Let them save up
Langemeier believes children should never be paid an allowance. “Paying an allowance takes away from teaching an entrepreneurial mindset,” she explains. Langemeier says you should encourage your children to follow a simple plan.
Head over to SheKnows.com to see the plan and read the rest of the article!