If you’re among those that aren’t “tech stars,” that’s perfectly fine. Here’s why…
We are inventing the future today. This post-industrial era is new to everyone. There are no boundaries for what your future can be. You don’t have to be a tech star to create something new, useful, needed or just plain fun.
Technology is here to serve us and if we embrace it, we can get more done than ever before. And this helps us to create, from scratch, our own path in life. Though we may not be tech stars, we certainly can compete in this technology-driven world.
We consume a LOT of information these days. Much of what we read tells us that we can be entrepreneurs and own successful businesses, both large and small. We want to believe it but for many there’s that nagging doubt that always seems to push through our defenses and hold us back — or make us falter.
Every business owner responds to pressure differently, don’t they? Some crumble, while others seem to rise to the occasion. – Carol Tice, Entrepreneur.com “Not All Entrepreneurs Are Cut Out to be Tech Stars.”
Yes, we love the modern-day rags-to-riches stories that the tech stars have given us. We can’t hear enough about them. It’s both exciting and agonizing. Just watch those up and coming hi-tech hopefuls vying for investors on the television series “Tech Stars.”
Tech Stars provides seed funding from over 75 top venture capital firms and angel investors who are vested in the success of your startup, as well as intense mentorship from hundreds of the best entrepreneurs in the world.
And for all the tech star startups, there are also thousands of other businesses that have little to do with the “tech” world. And making it in the tech star environment isn’t as easy as it might sound.
We know that for the many entrepreneurs that tried and failed and are leery of giving it another go, they feel duped by what they read and watch on TV. Don’t be!
Among successful entrepreneurs and business owners today, many have failed, often more than once or twice. Oh, and what you don’t hear is that many of them were hopeful up-and-coming tech stars. They key is to learn from those mistakes and get back up. Believe me, once you realize you have the heart of an entrepreneur, that urge will continually nag you until you get back in the game. So you might as well accept that now and get moving.
Success CAN be engineered. You can follow a process and a sequence. It can be learned – it can be taught. And you don’t need to be one of the tech stars to be a successful entrepreneur
Was your original strategy flawed? Rethink it.
What can you create and for whom?
What market can you enter and dominate?
What you need to understand is that your market can tear your business apart or make it great. Talk to your existing or potential customers FIRST and find out what they want. Don’t make talking to people your last resort!
It’s not just the tech stars that hold the future in their hands.
So do you!