No one can do it all. Unless you have found some sort of magic cape that allows you to duplicate yourself, you will find doing everything and doing it well is an impossible (and stressful) task. Overloading yourself crushes your creativity and kills your spirit. Overloading yourself with things you aren’t good at wastes time and takes you away from what you really should be doing – leading your company, making connections, building your database, and asking for the cash. So what can you do?
The answer lies within a simple four letter word – TEAM. When you activate a team, you have more time to prospect and serve, so you have money to compensate your team for their support efforts. Teams shore up your weaknesses, act as support so you can maintain a high level of quality, and prevent you from becoming so overwhelmed with what you are doing that you feel like you are spinning your wheels.
I don’t know what I would do without my team. I have a calendar team who makes sure I am scheduled according to my best energy. Because of this, I am able to say Yes! to the best opportunities and serve you along your path to success. I have a programs team who makes sure you are served before, during, and after Loral’s Big Table, Selling from the Stage, or any of the online workshops we offer. They help me support you.
One of the key topics I go over in my 3 Days to Cash Workshop is why building a wealth team is so important. See, a team isn’t just people who are employed by you. A team is a support group that cheers you on, helps keep your eye on the prize. That’s why being an active member of the Live Out Loud community is so important for your development – we cheer each other on, provide accountability, and support. Plus, you get to network with some of the most innovative, passionate, and successful entrepreneurs in the world!
So who is on your team? Tell me. If you don’t have a team – get one!
There are no self-made millionaires, only team-made ones.