Yesterday, I was watching re-runs of Project Runway and I just have to say how much I love the designers’ mentor, Tim Gunn. He is the personification of ease, grace and has his own air of Yes! Energy that is just so inspiring. In fact, I think Tim Gunn and Loral Langemeier have a lot in common in that respect. Both have had “make it work” moments in their lives when they did just that – they MADE IT WORK. Loral calls this “make it work” moment Yes! Energy – that moment when you say yes now and THEN figure out how. It’s when you feel an opportunity looming and your gut says, “this is scary” or “this is impossible” that you push through it, say yes and then watch the magic happen.
Greg Reid posted this diagram on his Facebook page that perfectly illustates this philosophy.
Your comfort zone is where you have always been: nice, warm, safe and in familiar waters. Where you have to “make it work” or have Yes! Energy is BEYOND your comfort zone. That is where the magic happens. This is where you will discover your own greatness.
So really, you WANT to be a little uncomfortable. You WANT to push beyond to that moment where your situation is outside of that comfort zone so you can push beyond and “make it work.
It’s what Tim Gunn would do. It’s DEFINITELY what Loral Langemeier would do.
Is it what you would do?