Did you know that a new home business is started every 11 seconds in the U.S.? That’s right and that means you’re not alone (by any stretch of the imagination). It’s crucial that you think like a business person. That’s the only way you will succeed. And it stands to reason that you have a 1 in 5 chance of making six figures in your business.
You see, of those home based businesses, 20% gross between $100,000 and $500,000 per year. (Source: Money Magazine.) That’s a heck of a lot better odds than you’ll get with the lottery, so take your home business seriously! (And scoff back at the naysayers in your life!)
The double edged sword
Working from home can be an exciting venture. It can also make you feel like a kid in a candy store. So much to learn and conquer, which equates to so much stuff to choose from (especially online) – so you go on a whirlwind buying spree.
What category do you fall into?
Bright, shiny object syndrome
You get your widgets, open them up and take those exciting first steps. But it ends there. You never take the second step. You’re feeling overwhelmed.
Or, worse yet, another hot and trendy product catches your eye and you buy it. And on and on. You might take a few more steps but more often than not these widgets end up sitting on your desktop or computer hard drive gathering dust. You’re suffering from shiny-new-object-syndrome.
The way the new object was presented made you fall in love with it. The right buttons were pushed. The thought of making money using it got you excited, you wanted it – so you got it. But then the newness wore off because you didn’t stay focused on what enticed you to buy the product to begin with.
You won’t ever succeed when you continually buy products if you don’t actually take the practical steps of using them. How many shiny new objects have you bought in the last year? The last six months? Did you give any of them a fair effort before moving on to the next?
“I’ll make this work if it kills me!”
Perhaps you do things the other way around! These people don’t reach out to try anything new because they get stuck vowing to achieve the same results that were promised on the sales letter. They’re going to go down fighting despite the writing on the wall that tells them they need to move on.
Instead of being caught between two extremes and trying to force yourself into a mold, create what works out of what you get and do things your way. There is no rule police squad that will come bang on your door if you don’t follow step by step what marketer A did to reach success.
You’re a unique person with personality gifts and traits that marketer A doesn’t have. So pull together what you’ve learned and the products that you’ve bought and take a hard look at your efforts.
Did you really give it all you had? And it still didn’t work? Then there’s no shame in moving on. But if you have product after product and you’ve never genuinely attempted to work them, put the effort into it and you might be surprised at the results.
Finding the sweet spot!
That’s what you’re looking for and what you need to find. So how are you doing? Let me know where you are in this conundrum. Are you somewhere in the middle or at one end of the spectrum or the other? What is it you’re dealing with and how can I help? Or jump in and add to the conversation. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!