Success Stories
UPDATE: If you recall from December’s Newsletter, Melanie Brocklehurst had completed her book 50 Dates in 50 States: One Woman’s Journey to Positive Change.Well, she just informed me that her book was picked up by a publisher and will be in stores mid June. This is so wonderful!
And to think that this all came out of her coming to a 3 Days to Cash event. I love seeing my students have so much success.
If you haven’t been to a 3 Days to Cash event before, you can come and experience for FREE what it’s like at one of my Millionaire Makeover Tour stops.
Click below to see if we’ll be in a city near you!>
Deciding to Have Courage:I have one more success story to share with you. This one is on going, so you’ll be able to follow along with them if you wish.
Jody White 14 years ago sat next to a woman, Karen, who changed her life. While on their flight together they discussed traveling around the world. Karen had just finished traveling the world with her family.
Jody silently promised herself that someday she would travel the world too with her family. For years her husband, John, and her would talk about it over dinner, in the car, you name it.
But they weren’t anywhere closer to their goal.Things changed for them in 2010 when they came to a 3 Days to Cash event together with their teenage son. That event left an indelible impression on their son. He was introduced to the world of entrepreneurism and of possibility.
It wasn’t shortly after that that their son came to them and said that he was ready to travel the world with them. You see he wasn’t willing to leave his friends, his life and all that was familiar to him to go travel the world. Yet, coming to the 3 Days to Cash workshop opened his mind to many possibilities that abound in the world around us if only you would open your eyes to it.
From that day forward John and Jody decided that this was something that they needed to get serious about. Time for talking about it was past. It was a time for action. So in Jody’s words she said, “I said YES! We’re going to do this, now we just need to figure out how.”
They joined one of my coaching programs and for two years they grew their business based on what they were learning from me and planned their trip in the mean time. John was able to move his financial planning practice home and work virtually – something that needed to happen prior to their trip.
Jody picked up every book she could find about traveling with a family abroad. She found one book in particular that had volunteer opportunities around the globe. As a family they each chose several things they could do while living in each of the countries they visited.
They chose activities like volunteering at orphanages in Thailand, caring for wounded animals in Africa, helping a farmer in Italy and being an actor in Norway among other things.
Sounds fun, huh? All of this wouldn’t have happened if it were for three things:
- 1. Having had that fateful conversation on the plane with Karen 14 years ago
- 2. Having the courage to say yes and figure out how and
- 3. Having a business structured and operating in such away to sustain a family for one year traveling abroad with little to no work other than minimal maintenance
They left for their trip October 2012. They plan on returning to their home August 2013. However, that will be after they stop by to visit us at our annual Alumni event this July in San Diego 2013. If you’re Alumni, you won’t want to miss this one, especially if you’d like to do the same with your family. I can’t think of a better way to network and plan your family’s travel than by speaking to John, Judy and their children first hand at Alumni.
One more thing I failed to mention… Their daughter is special needs too. Does that speak of courage to you? If you’d like to follow their family’s adventures you can do so by Subscribing to their blog here.
I get nothing from them for recommending you to subscribe, other than the satisfaction that you too might someday want to have as much fun as their family is. If you’re Alumni and haven’t registered yet, you can do so here. There are still a few spaces left. Reserve your family’s spot