We’ve been talking a lot lately about our goals and expectations for the New Year, I hope you took time to reflect and project. It’s important to know where you want to go and make a plan to get there. But what if you know where you want to go… you just don’t know how to get there? Don’t stress, you’re not alone.
It’s one thing to say I want to reach financial freedom or be a millionaire in 3 to 5 years but another to know exactly how to get there. So how do you figure it out? First you’ve got to identify the kind of entrepreneur you are, you’ve got to ask yourself “what’s the fastest path to cash for me and what can I spend now to help me get there?”
Do you have a lot of heart but not much money?
Do you have some cash you can invest?
Are you a person who wants to be hands on and in the trenches? Or do you see yourself in the game but more on the sidelines?
If you’ve got the heart but not much cash, you need a plan with a low cost start up. Service based businesses might be your best bet. Most often they only need marketing to start and the best place to start is word of mouth. Tell everyone you know and even those you don’t know. Get out there and do it!
If you’ve got some cash and heart, why wait? Get out there and make your money. Find a product or service that will play on your current skill set and talent. The rest you can learn as you go. Don’t be hung up on the part you don’t know, you can always find someone to do it for you.
If you’ve got the cash and would prefer to invest in an existing idea or venture, do your research, my friend! Find something that you know enough about to make sure your money is being used the right way. Stay in the game even if you’re on the bench.
Finding out what kind of entrepreneur you are will help you develop a plan. Start by matching your current financial situation with your skill and talent. Find out how you can turn both into your fastest path to cash. Which ever type of entrepreneur you are we all need a mentor. Find a coach or a community, like mine at Live Out Loud. Having someone understand your ultimate goals and current situation will help you create a road map to your success. Even the most prolific entrepreneurs will tell you they had a mentor or someone they modeled themselves after. Be sure you have the clarity and vision and you will have success!
I am offering a free webinar called ‘Unleash the Entrepreneur Inside You!‘ on February 10th. I hope you will join me! This webinar will provide anyone looking to start their own business — and even current business owners — with exactly what’s needed to begin the process, and how others approached the opportunity to create their Cash Machine and became successful!
Ready GO!
P.S. Leave your comments below…