Many people have a hobby that they enjoy. You may well be able to turn your own hobby into a viable business, but is does take some doing. One of the first things that you are going to need to do is to look to find some of the other people who are working in the same field. These are your peers and your competitors. You should respect them, and learn from them – both the good things about their business and their mistakes.
Someone who makes soap, for example, is going to want to look at some of the other homemade soap makers out there. Order some of their product so you can see the quality of the soap, the packaging, and more. You never want to copy from another no matter the creative field in which you are working. However, learning about your competitors will help you to find your own niche and learn what not to do.
Online and Offline Sales Opportunities
When you are selling, you have to remember that with crafts, you have opportunities online and offline. You will certainly want to sell on your own site, as well as at craft sites such as However, do not forget about the real world out there. Look at some craft shows, street fairs, and boutiques that might be interested in carrying what you have. Grow your brand.
What Other Options Do You Have to Make Even More Money?
You should never consider your business a one and done deal. Even if you only make one type of product, you still have other outlets where you could make more money using your skills and knowledge. If you are a soap maker as we’ve used in the examples above, what other areas do you think you might be able to write an e-book or a paperback book about the hobby. You could hold classes and show people how to make the products that you make.
Going Full Bore
Should you just decide to quit your job and turn your craft into a new job tomorrow? It usually isn’t quite so easy. You have to think about marketing, making sure you can keep up with demand, and more. It might be a better idea to start out slowly, then gain customers and build your business until you are sure it can sustain you. Learn more about putting more cash in your pocket. Create $500 to $1000 of new cash every month!
What are some of your thoughts on turning crafts into a business, and how have you been successful?