Ask Weldon: Entity Partners
There are few factors that can make as much of a difference in the overall future of your business than having a solid entity structure and tax plan.
Every year, millions of small businesses pay for these mistakes to the tune of billions of dollars. The lack of proper entity structuring can have a huge impact not only on your bank account, but also the foundation and security of your business as a whole.
In addition, identifying the type of entity and structuring the appropriate plan for that entity can be just as important as getting the first papers filed.
This conversation can (and should) change the way you do business. That’s why we’ve teamed up with Entity Partners to share the FACTS with you.
Step One: Review the interview below and get educated!
Loral interviews entity and tax expert, Weldon Wulstein, on how you can start preparing for this important process.
Stream the audio now:
[jwplayer config=”Audio Player” mediaid=”13976″]
Slower connection? Download the interview here!
This audio will help you understand the areas that are most important for your personal situation. Your strategist has access to resources to get your individual questions answered, as well as options to help you get expert assistance through the entire process.