
Your Real Problem Is Not Time – It's Energy

Most of you don't have a time management have an energy management problem.

Let me explain: I recently met a woman at one of my coaching seminars in Calgary who told me the reason why she wasn't accomplishing more of what she wanted was because she had an issue with time management.

I told her, "No, you don't. I'm so sick of people talking about time management. If one more person tells you to find a better way to balance your schedule, get rid of them."

I'm so sick of people talking about time management.

If one more person tells you to find a better way to balance your schedule, get rid of them.

Her (and your) true problem is energy management.

People can talk all they want about time management, but as anyone who's ever tried to fit 25 hours of life into a 24-hour day knows, that's such an endless path.

Too many of us are in this "there's not enough time" cycle.

"There's not enough time to launch my business AND raise my kids AND go to school AND stay healthy..."

Time management is not the solution.

The answer is energy management.


Is your energy being drained in menial tasks? Are you giving your energy to things that don't move you?

Are you simply wasting your energy, playing on social media for hours on end, watching YouTube videos, responding to meaningless texts, waking up later than you should, letting more days go by with your goals unfulfilled?...

Or are you channeling your energy into what drives you and what needs to be done in order for you to live a greater life?

Like my mentor Bob Proctor told me, "Good vibes come from something higher and greater."

Learning & applying this accelerated my focus on channeling my energy into what I truly wanted to grow.

Like the saying goes, "Where focus goes, energy flows."

If your focus is on keeping up to tabs with your friends on Snapchat, you'll do that and won't have accomplished anything by the end of the day.

If your focus is on driving your business, growing your brand and increasing your cash flow, you'll do that and will have achieved mass acceleration.

Trust me – me, you, your cousin, your mom, your boyfriend, your business partner, your teacher – we all have the exact same 24 hours.

There are only a few ways you can truly "manage" your time.

But there are endless ways you can manage, drive and purposefully give your energy.

How are you giving yours?

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