“The Future Is Better Than You Think”
Turn on your TV. Open the CNN mobile app on your phone. Grab today’s copy of your national newspaper.Without being there with you, I can almost predict what you’re going to read will be dreadfuxl news: wars, fires, tornadoes, disasters, famine, economic dooms, cyber attacks and drug wars will probably be what you read about.
Yes, our world is not without problems, but it seems as if this is all we focus on.
When in reality, “We’re living during the most peaceful time in human history.” Over the last 100 years, the average human lifespan has more than doubled, the average per-capita income has tripled, and childhood mortality has decreased by a factor of 10. The costs of food, electricity, transportation and communications have all decreased incredibly. Global literacy has gone from 25 percent to more than 80 percent.
Awesome, right?!This peace and progress is the basis of Dr. Peter Diamandis’ book “Abundance — The Future Is Better Than You Think.”
I’ve had the tremendous pleasure of reading Peter’s book and if my optimism for the world wasn’t already booming, this book helped send it out of this universe.
Peter’s unbelievably optimistic view on the innovations and creations that are going to arise in this world in the next few decades is simply inspiring.
One great example of innovation Dr. Diamandis gives is that of a technology called the “Slingshot.” It’s the size of a small dorm room fridge that is able to generate 1,000 liters of clean drinking water per day out of any source, at less than 2 cents per liter. The chairman of Coca Cola is going to do major tests on this and if it pans out, Coca Cola is going to deploy this globally to 206 countries around the planet. When you factor in that our earth is 70 percent water, you realize this is an amazing revolution we’ll hopefully see implemented.
Peter also says that by 2020, 66 percent of the earth’s population will be internet users —three times the amount of today. “Three billion new minds who have never been heard from before are connecting to the global conversation,” he says. “These people will bring voices we have never heard before & contributions we can’t even predict.”
Wow. What amazing optimism, belief and confidence in the human race!
“What gives me tremendous confidence in the future is the fact that we are now more empowered as individuals to take on the grand challenges of this planet,” Diamandis says. “We have the tools for this exponential technology. We have the passion of the DIY innovator…And we have 3 billion new minds coming on board with us to help us do what we must do. We are looking into an extraordinary new decades ahead.”
Do yourself a huge favor and read Peter’s book. Unbelievably inspiring, motivating and rejuvenating — just what us entrepreneurs need!
You can buy the book on Amazon for $16.49 OR (work smarter, not harder) and go to https://www.abundancethebook.com/ab/ to get your FREE copy of Peter’s book. Thanks to a deal I set up with him, you only have to pay the shipping cost!